SP 2019 Courses

African American & African Studies (AFAMAST)

AFAMAST 3310 – Global Perspectives on the African Diaspora
Study of historical processes, key figures and ideas, and cultural expressions of the worldwide dispersion of people of African descent from different times and places. (50%)

AFAMAST 2253 - Introduction to Caribbean Literature
An introduction to Caribbean literature with a focus on prose, poetry, and drama.
GE lit and diversity global studies course. (100%)

AFAMAST 3260 - Global Black Cultural Movements
This course focuses on hemispheric studies in the Americas, examining black cultural movements emerging after emancipation through the present.

Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economies (AEDECON)

AEDECON 4320 – Energy, the Environment, and the Economy
Understand the role of energy in the economy and the environment. Explore the economics of clean, renewable energy, and understand the different policies for pollution control. (25%)

AEDECON 4532 – Food Security & Globalization
Examination of the causes of and solutions for food insecurity, including global and local factors. Cross-listed with IS 4532. (25%)
AEDECON 4534: Comparative Challenges to Economic Development: Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and China
An introductory survey course of issues shaping economic development in these regions. (50%)

AEDECON 4535 - International Economic Development
Study of the growth and diversification of developing economies and the causes of poverty and inequality. Cross-listed with IS 4535. (25%)

AEDECON 4597.01 – Food, Population, and the Environment
World-wide population increases, food production, and environmental stress; policy options for lessening these concerns, especially in low-income countries. Cross-listed with IS 4597.01 (25%)

AEDECON 6200 – International Economics and Policy
Application of economic theory and methods to current problems in international economics, policy, and trade. (25%)

AEDECON 2580 - Feast or Famine: The Global Business of Food
Global and regional trends in food consumption and production are surveyed. Trade, technological change, and other responses to food scarcity are analyzed. (25%)

AEDECON 4535 - International Economic Development
Study of the growth and diversification of developing economies and the causes of poverty and inequality. (25%)

AEDECON 4540 - International Commerce and the World Economy
Application of trade theory and policies to world trade that impacts global business. (25%)

AEDECON 4597.01 - Food, Population, and the Environment
Issues related to world-wide population increases, food production, and associated environmental stress; policy options for lessening these concerns, especially in low-income countries. (33%)

AEDECON 6400 - Regional and International Development
Application of economic theory and methods to current problems in regional and international economic development. (25%)

Animal Sciences (ANIMSCI)

ANIMSCI 3600 - Global Food and Agriculture
The integration of food, agriculture, environment, resources, technology, culture, and trade on a global scale. (25%)

ANIMSCI 4004.01 - Small Ruminant and Pseudo Ruminant (Sheep, Goat, Llama, Alpaca, & Deer) Production and Management
Application of science and basic principles of nutrition, genetics, physiology, and marketing to the production and management of small ruminants. (25%)

ANIMSCI 4004.02 - Small Ruminant Production Lab
Hands-on application of the science and basic principles of nutrition, genetics, physiology, and marketing to the production and management of small ruminants. (25%)

Anthropology (ANTHROP)

ANTHROP 2202 – Peoples & Cultures: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Comparative survey of traditional and contemporary peoples (25%)

ANTHROP 3597.01 – Crisis! An Anthropological Perspective of Global Issues
Analysis of cultural conflict in developing nations resulting from rapid technological and social change, with emphasis on Latin America (25%)

ANTHROP 3597.02 – Women, Culture, and Development
An analysis of the dramatic changes occurring in women’s lives in response to development and modernization (25%)

ANTHROP 7701 – Advanced Topics in Physical Anthropology: Modern Human Physical Variation
Survey of modern human biological diversity, underlying evolution and adaptability (25%)

ANTHROP 3416 - Latin American Peoples and Cultures
Latin American peoples and cultures. (100%)

ANTHROP 3419 - Latin American Cultures and Migration in Global Perspective
An intensive ethnographic investigation of Latin American and Caribbean migration (Mexico, Ecuador, The Dominican Republic) including the history of migration; contemporary movement; and transnationalism. (100%)

ANTHROP 3555 - New World Prehistory: Ancient Maya Civilization
Detailed survey of native American prehistory: recent archeological and epigraphic discoveries and examines the ancient Maya civilization of Mesoamerica. (100%)

Art Administration, Education, and Policy (ARTEDUC)

ARTEDUC 2367.01 – Visual Culture: Diversity & Social Justice
Study of art from diverse ethnic cultures in North America and Mexico (25%)

ARTEDUC 4000 – Pedagogies of Critical Multiculturalism in Teaching Visual Culture
Investigating the interrelationship of social and visual cultural issues and their impact on education (25%)

Business Administration (BUSADM)

BUSADM 3760 – Exploring Culture in International Environments
Participants in Fisher’s International Student Exchange Program will be challenged to view knowledge and experiences from multiple perspectives (25%)

Business Administration: Management and Human Resources (BUSMHR)

BUSMHR 2000 - Introduction to International Business
Basic coverage of world trade and investment problems, and introduction to multinational corporation strategies and the various types of environments in which they do business. (25%)

BUSMHR 4321 - International Labor and Human Resource Management
Examination of the human resource challenges that emerge in multinational organizations, and emphasis on issues to be considered when preparing oneself and others for international assignments. (25%)

BUSMHR 7010 - Advanced topics in Multinational Business
Examination of topics in international business, including the role of cultural and political systems, trade and FDI, and multinational enterprise. (25%)

BUSMHR 7022 - GAP: Global Applied Projects
Students attend lectures on project management, cultural awareness, other relevant topics, and work part-time on self-managed teams guided by Coach/Faculty Advisor, and travel abroad to work full-time to complete assignment and deliver final presentation to client. (100%)

Business Administration: Management Science (BUSMGT)

BUSMGT 4237 - International Operations Management
Current influences, practices and standards for structural and infrastructural decision making across national boundaries. Explores complexity of managing geographically dispersed operations with relationships between multiple entities. (25%)

Business Administration: Marketing and Logistics (BUSML)

BUSML 4253 - Global Marketing
Examines the theory of marketing across national borders, as well as marketing and market research within different foreign environments, including the development of marketing strategies by the international company. (25%)

Business Administration: Finance (BUSFIN)

BUSFIN 3250 – Foundations of International Finance
Management of financial risk inherent with international business; problems of implementing corporate finance principles (25%)

BUSFIN 4250 – Global Finance
Implications for financial managers of global economic policy (25%)

BUSFIN 4255– International Finance
Theories and applications related to cross-border acquisitions, FOREX risk management, and project finance (25%)

City & Regional Planning (CRPLAN)

CRPLAN 4597 – The Global Environment in Planning
A review of challenges in developed and developing countries, examining planning issues associated with economic developing, social equity, growth, and rural development (25%)

CRPLAN 6970 - International Development Studio
Cities and regions across the globe are rapidly urbanizing and are facing planning challenges. Plan development focuses on developing context-sensitive solutions. (25%)

CRPLAN 5798 - Planning Study Abroad
Rapid globalization of cities creates new opportunities to explore, investigate and analyze urban development internationally.

Comparative Studies (COMPSTDS)

COMPSTDS 2301 – Introduction to World Literature
Analysis of oral and written literature of diverse cultures and historical periods (25%)

COMPSTDS 6425 – Intro to Latino Studies
Introduction to history, politics, and cultural production of Latino/a communities in the US and its borderlands.

COMPSTDS 2367.02 - U.S. Latino Identity: Latino/a identity in the U.S.
Latino/a cultural history and expression and on role of race, class, gender, and sexuality in identity construction (50%)

COMPSTDS 2367.08 - American Identity in the World
American culture from the perspective of foreign cultures, as seen in literature, film, art, music, journalism, folklore, and popular culture (25%)

COMPSTDS 3302 – Translating Literatures and Cultures
Introduction to issues and problems inherent to translating literatures and cultures (25%)

COMPSTDS 3360 – Intro to Globalization and Culture
History and contemporary dimensions of globalization (25%)

COMPSTDS 3603 – Love in World Literature
Representations of love in world literature; emphasis on mythological, psychological, and ideological aspects of selected representations in different cultures and time periods (25%)

COMPSTDS 3606 – The Quest in World Literature
Motif of the quest in world literature; physical and mental journeys as metaphors of personal transformation and salvation (25%)

COMPSTD 7193 - Individual Studies
Designed to give able students an opportunity to pursue special studies not otherwise offered. Latin American-related topic. (100%)

COMPSTD 7380 - Theorizing America
Interdisciplinary study of culture, identity, and representation in the U.S. (75%)

COMPSTD 3903 - World Literature: Theory and Practice
Discussion of world literatures in theoretical, historical, and cultural contexts, with particular attention to translation, language, nationalism, globalization, and internationalism.

COMPSTD 4804 - Studies in Latino Literature and Culture
Focused study of a topic in Latino/a literary and cultural studies.

Dance (DANCE)

DANCE 3402 – Dance in Global Contexts
Surveys dance forms from around the globe, offering insights into the religious, social, and political functions of dances in their historical and contemporary practices (25%)

Economics (ECON)

ECON 4130 – World Economic Development in Historic Perspective
A survey of economic development from the Middle Ages through the 20th century (25%)

ECON 4140 – Economic History of the Americas
A survey of economic development in the Americas through the 20th century (100%)

ECON 4560 – Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Economy
The economic, social, and political bases for and responses to increasing global economic integration (25%)

Education: Teaching and Learning (EDUTL)

EDUTL 5612 – Secondary Methods in World Language Education
Theory and practice of teaching world language in secondary (middle and high school) classrooms; use and preparation of instructional materials current theory and practice in world language teaching, learning, and assessment (50%)

EDUTL 5613 – Teaching of Modern Foreign Language II
Study of the use of new instructional materials for intermediate and advanced foreign language classes; teaching of reading, writing, literature, and culture; evaluation. (50%)

EDUTL 6808 - Multicultural and Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning
Examines knowledge, pedagogy, reforms, and resources that support education for cultural diversity and equity in an interconnected world. (25%)

EDUTL 7193 - Individual Studies
Individual study projects- Latin American-related topic (100%)

EDUTL 7364 - Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults
Focus on educational and interdisciplinary research concerned with selecting, analyzing, and discussing diverse children's and YA literature, created by historically marginalized authors and illustrators. (75%)

EDUTL 8999 - Research
With Latin Americanist faculty. (100%)

Engineering (ENGR)

ENGR 2797.02 - Engineering Study Abroad in Central America
Study abroad in Central America. (100%)

ENGR 2797.11S - Service Learning Trip to Montana de Luz, Honduras
Students will take this course and then participate in the in-country field portion of the Engineering Service-Learning/Montana de Luz, Honduras program series. (100%)

ENGR 5797.03 - Engineering Study Abroad in South America
Study abroad in South America. (100%)

ENGR 5797.11S - Engineering Service-Learning in Honduras
During the Engineering Service-Learning in Honduras program, students will travel to Honduras and implement, test, and evaluate the technologies they developed through Spring Semester.

ENGR 2797.03 - 0010 Engineering Study Abroad in South America
Study abroad in South America.

ENGR 5797.02 - Engineering Study Abroad in Central America
Study abroad in Central America.

Environment and Natural Resources (ENR)

ENR 5790.10 – Study Abroad: Antarctica
Opportunity for students to study at a foreign institution and receive Ohio State credit for that work (100%)

ENR 5797.07 – Study at a Foreign Institution: Dominican Republic
Opportunity for students to study at a foreign institution and receive Ohio State credit for that work (100%)

ENR 3530 - Women, Environment and Development
Interdisciplinary study of women's roles as environmental stewards and in resource-based development in global context. (50%)

ENR 5480 - Local Peoples and International Conservation
Uses interdisciplinary thinking to explore the global environmental crises and the conflicts between indigenous/local peoples, conservationists, and policy makers regarding natural resource use. (50%)

ENR 5211 - International Environmental Impact Assessment
Fundamental concepts of international environmental impact assessment including the legal and institutional frameworks, practice and performance, and social and cultural contexts that shape EIA's implementation worldwide.

Geography (GEOG)

GEOG 2750 – World Regional Geography
Examination of the human and physical geographic structure of all world regions (25%)

GEOG 2800 – Our Global Environment
Introduction to global environmental issues, including the interaction of physical and social factors in the causes of and strategies for ameliorating environmental problems (25%)

GEOG 3597.01 – World Urbanization
Examination of geographic aspects of the urbanization process in the world’s major regions; interrelationships between urbanization and economic development (25%)

GEOG 3701 – The Making of the Modern World
The geographies of modernity and their formation; emphasis on Latin America (50%)

GEOG 3752 – Geography of Latin America
A thematic introduction to the lands and peoples of the region, with emphasis on interconnection between biophysical systems, landscape change, and population dynamics (urbanization, migration) (100%)

GEOG 3900 – Global Climate Change
Examines the natural and human factors that force changes in our climate and environment and explores strategies for a sustainable environment in the future (33%)

GEOG 5700 - Geography of Development
Political economy of development; development theory; the historical geography of capitalist development; and contemporary development practices and strategies. (50%)

GEOG 7102 - Fieldwork in Human Geography
Methods for generating and interpreting field data; contested history and ethical challenges of fieldwork in human geography. (50%)

GEOG 3702 - 10 Life and Death Geographies: Global Population Dynamics
Theories of population change; global and national contexts of fertility policy and reproductive health, morbidity and mortality trends; migration; environmental effects of population growth; urbanization.

Health Services Management and Policy (PUBHHMP)

PUBHHMP 4650 – United States & International Health Care
Introduction to the history, organization, and politics of the global health care system, critical review of selected issues using different analytic frameworks (50%)

History (HIST)

HIST 2110 – Introduction to Native American Peoples from Mesoamerica
Introductory survey of the Native American peoples from Mesoamerica (contemporary Guatemala, Honduras, Southern Mexico) (100%)

HISTORY 2120 - Revolutions and Social Movements in Modern Latin America
Latin American history from independence (1825) to the present focusing on revolutions, dictatorships, labor, political, and social movements, women, and indigenous populations. (100%)

HIST 2650 – The World Since 1914
Global perspective on major forces that shaped the world since 1914. Provides students with factual knowledge and a critical interpretive framework for responsible global citizenship (25%)

HISTORY 3105 - History of Brazil
History of Brazil during colonial and independence periods with major emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries. (100%)

HIST 3106 – History of Mexico
History of Mexico during precolonial, colonial, and independence periods with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries (100%)

HIST 4100 – Readings in Latin American History
Advanced readings on selected topics in Latin American History (100%)

HISTORY 6999 - Master's Thesis Research
Master's Thesis Research: Latin American topics. (100%)

HISTORY 7193.01 - Independent Study in History
Independent Study in Latin American History. (100%)

HIST 7500 – Studies in Topics of International History
Colloquium in International History (25%)

HIST 7650 – Studies in World History
Analysis of seminal works and concepts in the development of global-scaled integrative approaches to world history (25%)

HISTORY 2075 - Introduction to U.S. Latino/a History
Survey of Latinos/Latinas and their history in the United States from Spanish colonial period to present.

HISTORY 2125 - History of Latin America Through Film

Latin American history from the pre-colonial era to the present as depicted in film.


History of Art (HISTART)

HISTART 2005 – History of Latin American Art
Prehispanic and Early Modern (100%)

HISTART 8561 - Studies in Latin American Art
Advanced study and specialized research on topical issues in Latin American Art. (100%)

Horticulture and Crop Sciences (HCS)

HCS 5797.03 – Agriculture and Agro-Ecosystems in Chile
An eight-day study tour of agriculture industries and agroecosystems in Chile (100%)

Human Nutrition (HUMNNTR)

HUMNNTR 3313 - Food in Different Cultures
Food practices of selected peoples of the world with consideration of the existing social, cultural, and economic conditions. (25%)

HUMNNTR 3415 - Global Nutrition Issues
Topics in global nutrition with critical appraisal of research basis and alternative viewpoints.

International Studies (INTSTDS)

INTSTDS 2100 – Introduction to Latin America
Interdepartmental survey of Latin American societies, anthropology, economics, history, literature, geography, and agriculture (100%)

INTSTDS 2500 – Intro to Development Studies
Examines theories of political and international economy and development, as well as the historical geography of global capitalism (25%)

INTSTDS 2580 - Feast or Famine: the Global Business of Food
Global and regional trends in food consumption and production are surveyed. Trade, technological change, and other responses to food scarcity are analyzed. (50%)

INTSTDS 3850 – Intro to Globalization
Analysis of Globalization in its various aspects, economic, political, environmental, and technological, as well as of its extent and desirability (25%)

INTSTDS 4242 - Incomplete Democracies: the (Un) Rule of Law in Latin America
Explores various forms of violence including electoral violence and political assassination, organized crime, and other human rights abuses in Latin America. Cross-listed with POLITSCI 4242 (100%)

INTSTDS 4534 – Comparative Challenges to Economic Development
Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and China: An introductory survey course of issues shaping economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and China, such as: population growth, agricultural development, industrialization, trade, structural adjustment, and environmental issues.

INTSTDS 4535 – International Economic Development
Study of the growth and diversification of developing economies and the causes of poverty and inequality (25%)

INTSTDS 4560 – Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Economy
The economic, social, and political bases for, and responses to, increasing global economic integration. Cross-listed with AEDE 4560 (25%)

INTSTDS 4597.01 – Food, Population, and the Environment
Issues related to world-wide population increases, food production, and associated environmental stress; emphasis on Latin America. Cross-listed with AEDE 4597.01 (25%)

INTSTDS 4800 – Cultural Diplomacy
Exchange of information, ideas, and values among nations and peoples. Public and private mechanisms for these exchanges are explored (25%)

INTSTDS 4850 - Understanding the Global Information Society
Invites students to think critically about the global networks that are shaping the new knowledge creation & sharing processes. (25%)

INTSTDS 4998 - Undergraduate Research in International Studies
Focus on Latin America. (100%)

INTSTDS 5640 - Globalization and Latin America: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches
Explores current debates on globalization in Latin America and recent and interrelated transformations in the economies, politics, and cultures of the region. (100%)

INTSTDS 5800 – International Law
Examination of the varied sources, traditions, functions, and structures of international law and its significance in maintaining stability, continuity and communication in the international system (25%)

Law (LAW)

LAW 7124 – International Dispute Resolution
Examines procedures for resolving international disputes (negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and judicial settlement), how they operate in contemporary disputes, and how law governs their use (25%)

LAW 7230 - International Business Transaction
Legal problems in transnational context arising from doing business abroad; investments; establishment; exchange controls; trade, licensing; extraterritoriality of regulatory legislation; international agreements; European Common Market. (25%)

LAW 7236 - International Trade
Public international law framework and institutions that regulate trade and economic relations between nations. (25%)

LAW 7712 – International Law
International agreements; status of states and individuals; recognition; jurisdiction; international claims; expropriation; human rights; sovereign immunity; war and peace; law of the sea; presidential congressional power (25%)

LAW 8303 – Immigration Law
Law concerning persons who want to come to the United States on a temporary or permanent basis (50%)

Linguistics (LING)

LING 3603 – Language Across Cultures
Investigation of relationships between language and culture in different societies with a view to shedding light on cross-cultural similarities and differences (25%)

LING 5651 – Languages in Contact
Study of the effects of language contact on the structure of the involved languages, and of the characteristics of the individuals and communities involved in language contact (25%)

LING 6193 - Individual Studies
Focus on Latin American languages. (100%)

Music (MUSIC)

MUSIC 2208.22 – Andean Music Ensemble
Learning to play and perform music from Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. The course explores various musical genres within the Andean region (100%)

MUSIC 3348 – Music on the Move in a Globalized World
Survey of globalization’s effects on musical cultures around the world; explores both the role of diasporic migration and the use of recording and broadcasting technology (25%)

MUSIC 3351 – The World of Music
Introduction to music in non-Western cultures and societies and to the concepts, vocabulary, and methodology for dealing with this music (25%)

MUSIC 7780.22 – Andean Music Ensemble
Learning to play and perform music from Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. The course explores various musical genres within the Andean region (100%)

Nursing (NURSING)

NURSING 3430 – Cultural Competence in Health Care: US and Global Contexts
Introduction to concepts and techniques for the provision of culturally competent care within the U.S. and across global contexts. Cross-listed with NRSADVN 3430. (25%)

Nursing Advancement (NRSADVN)

NURSADVN 3430 – Cultural Competencies in Health Care
US and Global Contexts: Introduction to the concepts and techniques for the provision of culturally competent care within the U.S. and across global contexts. Cross-listed with NURSING 3430 (100%)

Political Science (POLITSC)

POLITSC 1200 – Intro to Comparative Politics
Intro to modern nation-states outside the United States: problems of state- and nation-building, representation, conflict, and making of government policy in selected countries (25%)

POLITSC 1300 – Global Politics
Cooperation and conflict in world politics. Covers basic theories of international relations, security, political economy, international organizations, and the environment (25%)

POLITSC 3220 – Politics of a Developing World
A general introduction to the theoretical and substantive literature dealing with the historical development and contemporary characteristics of the new states of Latin America, Asia, and Africa (50%)

POLITSC 3460 - Global Justice
Examines the idea of justice between states and among the people of the world. (25%)

POLITSC 4240 – Latin American Politics
A study of political processes, institutions, and groups in Latin America, with emphasis on constitutional, geographical, social, and economic environments in which they operate (100%)

POLITSC 4242 – Incomplete Democracies
Explores various forms of violence, including electoral violence and political assassination, organized crime, police brutality, and other human rights abuses in Latin America (100%)

POLITSC 4300 – Theories of International Relations
Various theories of world politics, such as realism, liberalism, long cycles, domestic and bureaucratic politics, and decision-making level theory (25%)

POLITSC 4335 – International Environmental Politics
Theories and debates over sustainable development, environment, and security, and effectiveness of international regimes (50%)

POLITSC 4380 – Political Analysis of International Economic Relations
Various theories of world politics, such as realism, liberalism, long cycles, domestic and bureaucratic politics, and decision-making level theory (25%)

POLITSC 4455 – Human Rights
Examines human rights, including the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights; coercive enforcement of rights; hunger, violence, persecution, and economic rights (25%)

POLITSC 4940 – The Politics of Immigration
Provides overview of international migration phenomenon: patterns of international migration, reasons for immigration, acceptance of immigrants by governments and public, dynamics of anti-immigrant sentiment (25%)

POLITSC 7193.02 – Comparative Politics
Individual studies in political science; student work is evaluated by papers and/or special examinations.

POLITSC 7193.03 – International Politics
Individual studies in political science; student work is evaluated by papers and/or special examinations. Latin America focus.

POLITSC 7200 - Basic Theories in the Study of Comparative Politics
Examination of such concepts and theories as structural-functional analysis, general systems theory, and sociocultural systems as determinants of governmental structures. (50%)

POLITSC 7300 - Theories of International Relations
Examination of such basic concepts and theories as equilibrium models, balance of power, national interest, geopolitical configurations. (25%)

POLITSC 8782 – Research in Comparative Politics
Seminar on various topics in comparative politics (50%)

POLITSC 8999 - Dissertation Research in Political Science
Latin American topics. (100%)

POLITSC 4305 - International Theory
Various theories of world politics, such as realism, liberalism, long cycles, domestic and bureaucratic politics, and decision-making level theory.

POLITSC 7336 - International Order
Discussion of the leading books written on the subject of international order.

POLITSC 8783 - Research in International Politics
Research seminar on various topics in international politics.

Portuguese (PORTGSE)

PORTGSE 2330 - Introduction to Brazilian Culture
Integrated, multidisciplinary overview of modern Brazilian culture in terms of its visual, plastic, musical, literary, dramatic, and popular arts within socio-economic and political context. (100%)

PORTGSE 3450 - Introduction to the Study of Literatures and Cultures
Strategies for reading and extensive practice in analyzing literary and cultural texts from the Portuguese-speaking world. (100%)

PORTGSE 4193 – Individual Studies
Related to Brazilian Portuguese and culture (100%)

PORTGSE 4597.02 - Representing Identity in the Cinema of the Portuguese-Speaking World
How film in the contemporary Portuguese-speaking world (e.g., Brazil, Portugal, Angola) reflects on race, ethnicity, multiculturalism, and transnational contact. (75%)

PORTGSE 5650 – Literatures and Cultures in Portuguese, from Romanticism to Modernism
Intensive exploration of a specific topic or problem; topic varies, for example: modern Brazilian novel, Luso-African literature, Portuguese poetry since 1974 (100%)

PORTGSE 7440 - Cinema of the Portuguese-Speaking World
In-depth study of a major topic or problem in the cinema of the Portuguese-speaking world (Portugal, Brazil, Lusophone Africa, and Lusophone Asia). (75%)

PORTGSE 1101.01 - Portuguese I
Development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills in cultural contexts.

PORTGSE 1102.01 - Portuguese II
Further development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills in cultural contexts.

PORTGSE 1103.01 - Portuguese III
Continued development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills in cultural contexts.

PORTGSE 5502 - Portuguese for Spanish Speakers II
Continuation of 501; Portuguese language for students with at least intermediate-level Spanish skills.

Public Affairs (PUBAFRS)

PUBAFRS 5610 – Innovation, Policy, and the Global Economy
This course examines frameworks and theories of public administration, governance, and policy for science and engineering at the international level (25%)

PUBAFRS 5700 - Rebuilding Failed and Weak States
Tackles the question of how to design policies and programs to rebuild failed and weak states into functioning, if not vibrant, democracies. (33%)

PUBAFRS 4535 - International Economic Development
Study of the growth and diversification of developing economies and the causes of poverty and inequality.

Public Health (PUBHLTH)

PUBHLTH 2010 – Introduction to Global Public Health
Introduction to current and emerging global health issues (25%)

PUBHLTH 6000 – Introduction to Global Health
Overview of current and emerging global health issues, their determinants, actions, and interventions (25%)

PUBHLTH 7000 - Public Health in Developing Countries
Overview of core public health principles and practices applied to global health issues. (25%)

Quechua (QUECHUA)

QUECHUA 5502.01 - Beginning Quechua II: Classroom
For students who have taken Quechua 5501.01 (501) or who have previous basic knowledge of Quechua at the beginning level. This course will be comprehensive, integrating culture and language from the southern Quechua family spoken in Peru.

QUECHUA 5504.51 – Intermediate Quechua II: Individualized Instruction
An intermediate language course intended for students with experience in Quechua. The variety taught will be from the southern Quechua family spoken in Bolivia and Peru.

Religious Studies (RELSTDS)

RELSTDS 4873 – Contemporary Religious Movements in Global Context
Examination of contemporary religious movements within the context of larger political, cultural, and economic processes, including post-colonialism, modernization, and globalization (25%)

RELSTDS 3679 - Popular Culture and World Religion
The representation of religion in visual culture, in the United States and around the world; the ways that religious traditions are represented or misrepresented; the ways religious traditions appropriate popular culture for their own purposes; new forms of religious practice and community that grow directly out of popular culture.

Rural Sociology (RURLSOC)

RURLSOC 3580 – Social Groups in Developing Societies
Contemporary struggles and experiences of rural social groups in the “Third World” in the context of development and globalization; emphasis on grassroots initiatives and resistance movements (50%)

RURLSOC 5797 - Study at a Foreign Institution
An opportunity for students to study at a foreign institution and receive Ohio State credit for that work. (100%)

RURLSOC 6500 - Rural Poverty
Evaluation of the factors which create and maintain poverty and inequality, with focus on the rural U.S., developing nations, and the comparative analysis of spatial inequalities. (50%)

RURLSOC 8500 - Development Sociology in Theory and Practice
Overview of sociological principles, theories and research in the evolution of international development and globalization practices, objectives, and policies. Contemporary issues in development and globalization.

Social Work (SOCWORK)

SOCWORK 1140 – Minority Perspective: Race, Ethnicity, Gender
Examination of the structure of human societies, cultures, and institutions from the perspective of oppressed minority populations (50%)

SOCWORK 5004 - International Social Work
Examines a variety of social issues through a global perspective in order to fully appreciate the role of culturally diverse and country-specific responses to social problems. (25%)

SOCWORK 5005 – Human Trafficking: Domestic and Global Perspectives
Examines domestic and global human trafficking from a social work perspective (25%)

Sociology (SOCIOL)

SOCIOL 3200 – Sociology of Immigration
Provides a sociological understanding of contemporary migration both globally and with a particular focus on the U.S. (50%)

SOCIOL 3302 - Technology and Global Society
Social aspects of technology, social change, and technological development; underdevelopment and the global economy. (25%)

SOCIOL 3460 – Environmental Justice
Examines environmental issues from a sociological perspective, especially human causes of environmental change such as technology, population, and consumption, and social reactions (25%)

SOCIOL 3597.01 – World Problems in Global Context
Sociological analysis of contemporary world societies – non-industrialized, industrializing, and industrialized – with special attention to major social institutions and patterns of social change (25%)

SOCIOL 5450 – Sociology of Global Health & Illness
Sociological study of international health and illness and related behaviors, disease processes, correlates of diseases, global efforts to improve health, and comparative health care systems (50%)

SOCIOL 5525 – Global Criminology
Intro to global crime from a criminal justice perspective (25%)

SOCIOL 6193 - Individual Studies
Latin America focus. (100%)

Spanish – Literary & Cultural Studies (SPAN)

SPAN 2208.22 – Andean Music Ensemble
In this course, students learn to play and perform music from Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. The course explores various musical genres within the Andean region (100%)

SPAN 2242 – Introduction to Latino Studies
Intro to the cultures, experiences, histories and definitions of Latino peoples in the United States; taught in English (50%)

SPAN 2330 – Reinventing America
Introduction to visual and verbal representation of Latin American multi-ethnic cultures through literature and visual arts; emphasis on construction of American identities and nations (100%)

SPANISH 2332 - Introduction to Andean and Amazonian Cultures
Historical formation of contemporary societies in the Andean and Amazonian regions, including their ethnic, social, and cultural features; taught in English. (100%)

SPAN 2506 – Latin American Culture in a Business Context
Examination of cultural differences and similarities between the U.S. and Latin America and repercussions of conducting business with competent understanding. Taught in English (100%)

SPANISH 2510 - Mexican Studies
Interdisciplinary study of different issues and processes in Mexican culture, history, and society. (100%)

SPAN 2520 – Latin American Literature (in Translation): Fictions and Realities
Critical examination of modern Latin American literature (in English translation), paying close attention to its own literary and cultural traditions. Taught in English (100%)

SPAN 3450 – Introduction to the Study of Literature and Culture in Spanish
Strategies for reading literary and cultural texts from Spain and Spanish America (100%)

SPAN 3570 – CLLC Radio
Student partners prepare 3 target language broadcasts, each 1 hour in length. Broadcasts stream live over the Internet, then become podcast for public use (100%)

SPAN 4515 – Andean Art, Culture, and Society
Representations of cultural, social, and literary identities in the Andean regions in early and modern societies’ daily life as embodied in maps, narratives, art, photography, autobiographical, and literary texts (100%)

SPANISH 4516 - The Formation of Bolivian National Cultures
Overview of Bolivian literatures and cultures, and how they reflect the country's identities as well as its changing social, political, and cultural realities in the process of national formation. (100%)

SPAN 4555 – Indigenous, Colonial, & National Literatures and Cultures of Spanish America
Introductory critical study of issues and processes in the formation of indigenous, colonial, and national expression through 19th century regional discourses (100%)

SPANISH 4556 - Modern Spanish American Literature
Introductory critical study of issues and processes in Spanish American writing from Modernism through the present. (100%)

SPAN 4557.10 – Intro to Latino Literature in the U.S.
Introductory critical study of authors, topics, and movements in Latino literature from the late 19th century to the present (50%)

SPANISH 4557.20 - Introduction to Other Latino Literature in the U.S.
Study of works by "other Latino" writers, that is, authors from less represented groups within the larger Latino population in the U.S. (50%)

SPAN 4560 – Intro to Spanish American Culture
Major elements in the culture of the peoples of Spanish America (100%)

SPAN 4565H – Latin American Indigenous Literatures and Cultures
Introduction to continuities and transformations that link Latin American colonial indigenous texts with contemporary cultural expression (100%)

SPANISH 4570 - Latin Soundscapes: Musical Cultures of Latin America
Since colonial times, the Latin American region has produced a wealth of musical genres, styles, hybrids, & fusions that allows for exploration of relevant social, cultural, economic, and political issues. (100%)

SPAN 4590H – Interdisciplinary Protocols: Identity and National Formation in Latin America
Perspectives from Lit: Examines the intersections between history and literature, and exposes students to core discussions in contemporary historical and cultural scholarship (100%)

SPANISH 4998 - Undergraduate Research in Spanish
Undergraduate research or directed experience; non-thesis. (100%)

SPAN 5620 – Gender and Power in the Americas
Focuses on the interpretation of gender and power in hemispheric Latin American and U.S. Latino/a cultural production. The seminar promotes inquiry in the areas of gender and power, performance studies, and the problems and prospects of Latinos as peoples shaped by the legacies of colonial, neoliberal, and patriarchal social orderings (100%)

SPANISH 5640 - Globalization and Latin America: Multi-disciplinary Approaches
Explores current debates on globalization in Latin America and recent and interrelated transformations in the economies, politics, and cultures of the region. (100%)

SPAN 5660 – Seminar in Latin American Literatures and Cultures
Intensive study of a major theme, author, literary, or cultural problem related to Latin America (100%)

SPAN 5689S – Spanish in Ohio: An Experiential Course
Interaction with Hispanic communities in Ohio; intensive and extensive practice with Spanish as spoken by native speakers from the U.S. and abroad. Not open to native speaker of Spanish unless their secondary education was completed in the United States (100%)

SPAN 6700 – Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis
Introduction to literary and cultural theory and methods of analysis (100%)

SPANISH 6705 - Introduction to Latino Studies
Introduces graduate students to the broad themes, concepts, and questions raised in the interdisciplinary field of Latina/Latino studies. (50%)

SPANISH 7560 - Studies in Independence and 19th-Century Latin American Literatures and Cultures
In-depth study of a major topic or problem in Latin American literatures and cultures of the independence period and the 19th century. (100%)

SPAN 7595 - Narratives of the Amazonian Colonial Frontier
This comparative course relies on a variety of accounts produced by European colonizers, especially Spaniards and Portuguese, as well as by Indigenous subjects about the Amazonian forest and its inhabitants. (100%)

SPAN 7780.22 – Andean Music Ensemble
In this course, students learn to play and perform music from Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. The course explores various musical genres within the Andean region (100%)

SPAN 7800 – Latin American Film
SPAN 7800 pretende ofrecerles a los estudiantes una introducción al cine latinoamericano al trazar su trayectoria histórica desde el cine mudo hasta el presente, al examinar diferentes contextos y modos de producción, y al analizar diferentes tendencias estéticas. A la vez, se propone darles una introducción al análisis fílmico al familiarizarles con los términos especializados y con varias líneas críticas y teóricas que han surgido del campo de los estudios fílmicos. (100%)

SPAN 7801 – College Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese
Methods and techniques for teaching Spanish and Portuguese language at the college level (100%)

SPANISH 8193.01 - Individual Studies
Latin American topic (100%)

SPANISH 8550 - Seminar in Indigenous and Colonial Latin American Literatures and Cultures
Detailed exploration of advanced issues in indigenous and colonial Latin American literatures and cultures. (100%)

SPANISH 8650 - Seminar in Latin American Cultures
Intensive exploration of a cultural period, topic, or problem; topic varies. (100%)

SPANISH 8800 - Seminar in Literary and Cultural Theory
Intensive study of special topics in literary and/or cultural theory with attention to their relationship to Iberian and Latin American literatures and cultures. (50%)

SPAN 8894 – Literatures & Culture Colloquium
Forum for presentation of research (100%)

Theatre (THEATRE)

THEATRE 5751 – Performance and Culture in Cuba
This course explores culture in Cuba, past and present, with emphasis on the performing and visual arts. We consider the important historical, economic, and political contexts that inform Cuban arts today (100%)

THEATRE 5771.02 - Theatre for Social Change
Advanced study of theatre and performance strategies used for social change and community engagement which includes Theatre for Development, and Augusto Boal's theory and practice. (100%)

Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSST)

WGSST 2340 – Latina Experience in the U.S.
Introduces the important and far reaching issues of Latinas today, recognizing the contributions of these women to U.S. history, the women’s movement, and feminism (25%)

WGSST 2367.02 – US Latina Writers: Text and Context
Writing and analysis of U.S. Latina experience, with emphasis on interdisciplinary relationships between literature and U.S. Latina socio-political history (25%)

WGSST 3530 - Women, Environment and Development
Interdisciplinary study of women's roles as environmental stewards and in resource-based development in global context. (50%)