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New Spring Semester Course Offerings

October 30, 2015

New Spring Semester Course Offerings


History 2120: Revolutions and Social Movements in Modern Latin America

Dr. Stephanie Smith

Tuesday/Thursday, 2:20 - 3:40

Spring 2016

Latin America has experienced many of the world’s most historically significant revolutions, including the great Mexican revolution, the Cuban revolution, the Nicaraguan revolution, and others. The course “Revolutions and Social Movements in Modern Latin America” analyzes these revolutions, as well as dictatorships and political and social movements from independence to the present. Throughout this class we will consider the history of individual countries, while at the same time analyzing the effects, influences and relevance of various historical events on the region as a whole.

For more information, please email smith.4858@osu.edu
Spanish 7880: "La Violencia en Performance Contemporaneo: Spain and the Americas"
Dr. Ana Puga
Thursdays, 2:30 - 5:15
Spring 2016
El tema de la violencia is the hilo conductor that will lead us through the works of such diverse contemporary playwrights and performance artists in Spain: Paloma Pedrero, Juan Mayorga, Alberto Villareal, Astrid Hada; and the United States: Mariaq Irene Fornes, Nilo Cruz, Octavio Solis, and Quiara Algeria Hudes. We will read the plays in Spanish, English, or both, depending on the language(s) in which they were written. Discussion will mostly be in Spanish, but Spanglish is bienvenido!
For more information, please email puga.5@osu.edu