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Fall 2023 Courses

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of OSU courses related to Latin America. If you are interested in a specific course to meet the Area Studies requirement of the FLAS fellowship and it is not listed here, contact CLAS Assistant Director Leila Vieira (vieira.31@osu.edu) for guidance.

AFAMAST 2253 - Introduction to Caribbean Literature

An introduction to Caribbean literature with a focus on prose, poetry, and drama. (80%)

AFAMAST 3260 - Global Black Cultural Movements

This course focuses on hemispheric studies in the Americas, examining black cultural movements emerging after emancipation through the present. It considers the ways people of African descent in the Americas have used cultural productions--literature, poetry, film, music, visual art, and performance--to construct identities; agitate for equality;and understand aesthetics as political and beautiful. (possibly eligible-- % to be confirmed)

AFAMAST 3310 - Global Perspectives on the African Diaspora

Study of historical processes, key figures and ideas, and cultural expressions of the worldwide dispersion of people of African descent from different times and places. (50%)

AFAMAST 3376 - Arts and Cultures of Africa and the Diaspora

An overview of African and African diaspora cultures from a historical perspective. Cultural media will include art, literature, film, dance, and photography. (35%)

AFAMAST 4342 - Religion, Meaning, and Knowledge in Africa and its Diaspora

This course will examine classical and contemporary definitions of African Traditional Religion/s and the introduction and adaptations of Islam and Christianity in Africa, as well as religious practices in the African Diaspora. (25%)



AEDECON 4320 - Energy, the Environment, and the Economy  

Understand the role of energy in the economy and the environment. Explore the economics of clean, renewable energy, and understand the different policies for pollution control. Cross-listed with IS 4320. (25%)  

AEDECON 4532 - Food Security and Globalization    

Examination of the causes of and solutions for food insecurity. Global and local factors that affect access to food are also considered. Cross-listed with IS 4532. (25%)

AEDECON 4535 - International Economic Development   

Study of the growth and diversification of developing economies and the causes of poverty and inequality. Analyze the impacts of human capital formation, markets, and public policy on development. Cross-listed with IS 4535. (25%)

AEDECON 4597.01 - Food, Population, and the Environment    

Worldwide population increases, food production, and environmental stress; policy options for lessening these concerns, especially in low-income countries. Cross-listed with IS 4597.01. (25%) 

AEDECON 6200 - International Economics and Policy   

Application of economic theory and methods to current problems in international economics, policy and trade. (25%)  


ANTHROP 2201 - Introduction to Archaeology

Comparative survey of traditional and contemporary peoples. Honors course 2201H also offered. (25%) 

ANTHROP 2202 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 

Introduction to anthropological perspectives on cross-cultural variation in human behavior and societies. Honors course 2202H also offered. (25%) 

ANTHROP 3416 - Latin American Peoples & Cultures

This introduction to the anthropology and ethnography of Latin America provides students with the background necessary to begin building a critical understanding of the topic. The course emphasizes the ethnographic study of indigenous peoples. (100%)

BUSADM 2798 - Study Tour: International 

Participants in Fisher’s International Student Exchange Program will be challenged to view knowledge and experiences from multiple perspectives (eligible if conducted in Latin America) 

BUSADM 3760 - Exploring Culture in International Environments

Through individual reflections, activities, and discussions, students participating in Fisher's International Student Exchange Program will be challenged to view knowledge and experiences from multiple perspectives. (25%)

BUSMHR 2000 - Introduction to International Business 

Basic coverage of world trade and investment problems, and introduction to multinational corporation strategies and the various types of environments in which they do business. (25%) 

BUSMHR 3000 - Advanced Topics in International Business 

Advanced topics in international business including strategy, alliances, and exchange. (25%) 

BUSMHR 4021 - Institutions of the International Business Environment 

Major international institutions and the role they play in international business and commerce. (25%) 

BUSMHR 4321 - International Labor and Human Resource Management 

Examination of the human resource challenges that emerge in multinational organizations, and emphasis on issues to be considered when preparing oneself and others for international assignments. (25%) 

BUSFIN 4255 - International Finance 

The goal is to provide a framework for making financial decisions in an international context. The course is divided into three sections: 1) the international financial environment, 2) international investment analysis, and 3) international corporate finance. Students will be exposed to a broad range of topics, including some of the latest developments in global financial markets. (25%) 

CRPLAN 4597 - The Global Environment in Planning 

A review of challenges in developed and developing countries, examining planning issues associated with economic developing, social equity, growth, and rural development (25%) 

COMPSTD 2301 - Introduction to World Literature

Analysis of oral and written literatures of diverse cultures and historical periods. (25%)

COMPSTD 3603 - Love in World Literature 

Representations of love in world literature; emphasis on mythological, psychological, and ideological aspects of selected representations in different cultures and time periods. (25%) 

COMPSTD 3606 - The Quest in World Literature 

Motif of the quest in world literature; physical and mental journeys as metaphors of personal transformation and salvation. (25%) 

COMPSTD 4597.02 - Global Culture

Examines contemporary global cultural flows, the concepts useful in analyzing them, and the questions they raise about power and cultural change. (25%)

COMPSTD 4597.03 - Global Folklore

Examines contemporary folklore around the world; introduces students to key concepts in folklore scholarship; focuses on transmission and transformation of cultural knowledge and practice, particularly in situations of conflict or upheaval. (25%)

DANCE 3402 - Dance in Global Contexts 

Surveys dance forms from around the globe, offering insights into the religious, social, and political functions of dances in their historical and contemporary practices. (25%) 

ECON 4130 - World Economic Development in Historical Perspective 

A survey of economic development from the Middle Ages through the 20th century. (25%) 

ECON 4140 - Economic History of the Americas 

A survey of economic development in the Americas through the 20th century. (100%) 

ECON 8862 - International Economics II 

Theories and empirical analysis of the demand for labor and changes in the wage structure over time; the determinants of youth outcomes and behaviors including the effect of family and peer groups. (25%) 

EDUTL 5615 - Methods and Culture in TESOL

Study of the use of new instructional materials for intermediate and advanced TESOL classes; teaching of reading, writing, literature, and culture; evaluation. (25%) 

FRIT 3054 - The 21st-Century Skill: Intercultural Competence for Global Citizenship

(Virtual Exchange or Intercultural Team Project must be related to Latin America; coordinate with instructor)

GEOG 2400 - Economic and Social Geography 

Geographic analysis of relationships between society and economy; focusing on such issues as globalization, production and consumption, inequality and social difference. (25%) 

GEOG 2800 - Our Global Environment 

Introduction to global environmental issues, including the interaction of physical and social factors in the causes of and strategies for ameliorating environmental problems. (25%) 

GEOG 3701 - The Making of the Modern World 

The geographies of modernity and their formation: the world market, the global polity, diasporas and constructing difference, colonialism, the transformation of nature, Eurocentricity, post-modernity. (25%) 

GEOG 3900 - Global Climate Change: Causes and Consequences 

Examines the natural and human factors that force changes in our climate and environment and explores strategies for a sustainable environment in the future. (33%) 

HISTORY 2500 - 20th Century International History 

Examines international political, economic, and military relations from the origins of World War I through the break up of the Soviet Union. (25%) 

HISTORY 2650 - The World since 1914 

Global perspective on major forces that shaped the world since 1914. Provides students with factual knowledge and a critical interpretive framework for responsible global citizenship. (25%) 

HISTORY 3100 - Colonial Latin America

Mayan, Aztec, and Incan Empires; the Spanish and Portuguese conquests and the transplanting of Iberian institutions; the Baroque period; the Bourbon Century and the Enlightenment. (100%)

HISTORY 4125 - Seminar in Latin American History

Advanced research and readings on selected topics in Latin American History. (100%)

INTSTDS 2100 - Introduction to Latin America

This course explores the contemporary societies of Latin America and the main features in the development of the economies, politics, and cultures of the region. Interdepartmental survey of Latin American societies, anthropology, economics, history, literature, geography, and agriculture. (100%)

INTSTDS 2500 - Introduction to Development Studies  

Examines theories of political and international economy and development, as well as the historical geography of global capitalism. (25%) 

INTSTDS 4320 - Energy, the Environment, and the Economy 

Examines the economic implications of climate change and climate change policies for society, including discussion of major state, federal, and international legislation. Cross-listed with AEDECON 4320. (25%) 

INTSTDS 4532 - Food Security & Globalization

Examination of the causes and solutions for food insecurity. Global and local factors that affect access to food are also considered. (may be eligible, % to be confirmed)

INTSTDS 4560 - Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Economy 

The economic, social, and political bases for, and responses to, increasing global economic integration. (25%) 

INTSTDS 4597.01 - Food, Population, and the Environment 

Issues related to world-wide population increases, food production, and associated environmental stress; policy options for lessening these concerns, especially in low-income countries. Cross-listed with AEDECON 4597.01. (25%) 

LING 3601 - Language, Race, & Ethnicity in the U.S.

Objective examination of the relationship between language, race and ethnicity in the context of varieties of English used by minority ethnic and racial groups in the U.S. (25%)

LING 3603 - Language Across Cultures 

Investigation of relationships between language and culture in different societies with a view to shedding light on cross-cultural similarities and differences. (25%) 

MUSIC 2208.22 / 7780.22 - Andean Music Ensemble (note: only 1 cr.; FLAS area studies courses must be 3 cr.)

Learning to play and perform music from Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. The course explores various musical genres within the Andean region. Students study techniques and methods for playing Andean instruments and learn to sing in Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara. (100%)

NRSADVN 3430 - Cultural Competence in Health Care: US and Global Contexts 

Introduction to concepts and techniques for the provision of culturally competent care within the U.S. and across global contexts. (25%) 

POLITSC 1200 - Introduction to Comparative Politics 

Intro to modern nation-states outside the United States: problems of state- and nation-building, representation, conflict, and making of government policy in selected countries. (50%) 

POLITSC 1300 - Global Politics 

Cooperation and conflict in world politics. Covers basic theories of international relations, security, political economy, international organizations, and the environment. (25%) 

POLITSC 3220 - Politics of the Developing World 

A general introduction to the theoretical and substantive literature dealing with the historical development and contemporary characteristics of the new states of Latin America, Asia, and Africa. (50%) 

POLITSC 7193.02 - Comparative Politics 

Individual studies in political science; student work is evaluated by papers and/or special examinations. (% varies - requires Latin American focus) 

POLITSC 7193.03 - International Politics 

Individual studies in political science; student work is evaluated by papers and/or special examinations. (% varies - requires Latin American focus) 

PORTGSE 2331 - Portuguese Culture and Society

Examines Portuguese culture, taking into account intersections with other cultural contexts (e.g., in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas). (100%)

PORTGSE 7440 - Cinema of the Portuguese-speaking World

In-depth study of a major topic or problem in the cinema of the Portuguese-speaking world (Portugal, Brazil, Lusophone Africa, and Lusophone Asia). (100%)

PORTGSE 8500 - Seminar in Literatures and Cultures of the Portuguese-speaking World

Detailed exploration of advanced issues in the literatures and cultures of Brazil, Portugal, Lusophone Africa and Lusophone Asia. (100%)

PUBHLTH 2010 - Critical Issues in Global Public Health 

Public health concepts examining the philosophy, purpose, history, organization, functions, and results of public health practices domestically and internationally. Presents the pressing global public health concerns of the 21st century. Honors course 2010H also offered. (25%) 

PUBHLTH 6000 - Introduction to Global Public Health 

Overview of current and emerging global health issues, their determinants, actions, and interventions. (25%) 

QUECHUA 5501.01 - Beginning Quechua I: Classroom 

Beginning language course for students with no previous study experience in Quechua. This course will be comprehensive, integrating culture and language from the southern Quechua family spoken in Peru. (100%) 

QUECHUA 5502.01 - Beginning Quechua II: Classroom 

For students who have taken Quechua 5501.01 (501) or who have previous basic knowledge of Quechua at the beginning level. This course will be comprehensive, integrating culture and language from the southern Quechua family spoken in Peru. (100%) 

QUECHUA 5503.01 - Intermediate Quechua I: Classroom 

For students who have taken Quechua 5502 (502) or who have previous basic knowledge of Quechua at the beginning/intermediate level. This course will be comprehensive, integrating culture and language from the southern Quechua family spoken in Peru. (100%) 

QUECHUA 5505.01 - Advanced Quechua I: Classroom 

An advanced language course for students with experience in Quechua. This course is comprehensive, integrating culture and language. It will be useful for students that want to travel to the Andean countries or who have an interest in studying Quechua language, culture and society. The variety taught is from the southern Quechua family spoken in Bolivia and Peru. (100%) 

SOCWORK 1140 - Issues in Social Justice: Race, Gender, and Sexuality 

Examines the history of social oppression directed at certain minority populations in the United States and its impact on their current opportunities and lived experiences. The primary purpose is to analyze how racism, sexism, heterosexism and institutionalized discrimination based on ethnicity affect the social welfare and well-being of those living in the United States. (25%)

SOCWORK 5005 - Human Trafficking: Domestic and Global Perspectives 

Examines domestic and global human trafficking from a social work perspective. (25%) 

SOCIOL 3200 - Sociology of Immigration 

Provides a sociological understanding of contemporary migration both globally and with a particular focus on the U.S. (50%) 

SOCIOL 3302 - Technology and Global Society 

Social aspects of technology, social change, and technological development; underdevelopment and the global economy. (25%) 

SOCIOL 3460 - Environmental Justice 

Examines environmental issues from a sociological perspective, especially human causes of environmental change such as technology, population, and consumption, and social reactions. (25%) 

SOCIOL 3597.01 - World Problems in Global Context 

Sociological analysis of contemporary world societies – non-industrialized, industrializing, and industrialized – with special attention to major social institutions and patterns of social change. (25%) 

SOCIOL 5450 - Sociology of Global Health and Illness 

Sociological study of international health and illness and related behaviors, disease processes, correlates of diseases, global efforts to improve health, and comparative health care systems. (50%) 

SPANISH 2151 - Latin American Culture and Literature  

Introduction to the culture of Spanish America and Brazil through literature, art, music, film, and folklore. (100%) 

SPANISH 2208.22 - Andean Music Ensemble (note: only 1 cr.; FLAS area studies courses must be 3 cr.)

In this course, students learn to play and perform music from Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. The course explores various musical genres within the Andean region. Students study techniques and methods for playing Andean instruments and learn to sing in Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara. (100%) 

SPANISH 2242 - Introduction to Latinx Studies  

IIntroduction to the cultures, experiences, histories and definitions of Latino peoples in the United States; taught in English. (50%) 

SPANISH 2380 - Introduction to Latin American Film

ntroduction to Latin American film traditions; analysis of genres, filmmakers, and alternate aesthetics; focus on relation of film to social, political, and economic processes. (100%) 

SPANISH 2506 - Latin American Culture in a Business Context 

Examination of cultural differences and similarities between the U.S. and Latin America to understand the effects of conducting business with competent cultural understanding. Taught in English. (100%) 

SPANISH 3005 - Career Exploration and Development with Spanish (1 cr)

This course surveys Spanish-relevant career paths. Spanish majors are given the opportunity to explore career interests and their associated requirements, set realistic professional goals, and increase awareness and access to the OSU support services available for student success. Each class session will feature experienced academics and professionals from a range of careers as guest speakers. Recommended for students majoring or minoring in Spanish.

SPANISH 3450 - Introduction to the Study of Literature and Culture in Spanish 

An introduction to literary and cultural analysis of texts in Spanish. This course presents strategies for reading and analyzing literary and cultural texts from various Spanish speaking countries to prepare students for more advanced courses in the Spanish program. Honors course 3450H also offered. (100%)

SPANISH 4430 - Introduction to Spanish Linguistics 

Introduction to the analysis of Spanish from the perspective of modern linguistic theory. Honors course 4430H also offered. (100%)

SPANISH 4515 - Andean Art, Culture, and Society 

Representations of cultural, social, and literary identities in the Andean regions in early and modern societies' daily life as embodied in maps, narratives, art, photography, autobiographical and literary texts. Taught in English. (100%) 

SPANISH 4537 - Spanish Psycholinguistics 

Overview of child language acquisition, second language acquisition and child and adult language disorders in Spanish-speaking populations. (75%)

SPANISH 4538 - Language Variation in Spanish 

Survey of linguistic variation across the Spanish-speaking world, including geographical and social factors. (75%)

SPANISH 4555 - Indigenous, Colonial, & National Literatures and Cultures of Spanish America 

Introductory critical study of issues and processes in the formation of indigenous, colonial, and national expression through 19th century regional discourses. (100%) 

SPANISH 4556 - Modern Spanish American Literatures 

Introductory critical study of issues and processes in Spanish American writing from Modernism through the present. (100%) 

SPANISH 4560H - Introduction to Spanish American Culture 

Major elements in the culture of the peoples of Spanish America. (100%) 

SPANISH 4582 - Latinx Cinema: Filmmaking, Production, & Consumption

Explores how films by and about Latinxs respond to the U.S. Latinx experience. Analyzes how representational strategies (in terms of race, sexuality, ethnicity, gender, and class) and the deployment of formal devices (such as narrative structure, lighting, cinematography, sound, editing, and mise-en-scene) give various shapes to Latinx experiences and identities. (100%)

SPANISH 5620 - Gender and Power in the Americas

Taught in Spanish, the course focuses on the interpretation of gender and power in hemispheric Latin American and U.S. Latino/a cultural production.The seminar promotes inquiry in the areas of gender and power, performance studies, and the problems and prospects of Latinos as peoples shaped by the legacies of colonial, neoliberal, and patriarchal social orderings. (100%).

SPANISH 5660 - Seminar in Latin American Literatures and Cultures 

Intensive study of a major theme, author, literary, or cultural problem related to Latin America. Required for students completing the Latin American Concentration of the Spanish major. Embedded Honors course 5660E also offered. (100%) 

SPANISH 5689S - Spanish in Ohio: An Experiential Course

Interaction with Hispanic and LatinX community organization representatives, educators and business leaders in Ohio; intensive & extensive practice with Spanish as spoken by native and heritage speakers from the U.S. & abroad. (100%)

SPANISH 7340 - Spanish Phonology & Morphology

Introduction to phonological and morphological characteristics of Spanish in light of recent theoretical frameworks in linguistics. Taught in Spanish. (50%)

SPANISH 7580 - Studies in Contemporary Latin American Literatures and Cultures

In-depth study of a major topic or problem in contemporary Latin American literatures and cultures. (100%)

SPANISH 7780.22 - Andean Music Ensemble 

In this course, students learn to play and perform music from Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. The course explores various musical genres within the Andean region. (100%) 

SPANISH 8330 - Studies in Spanish Synchronic Linguistics 

Investigation of selected topics in synchronic Spanish linguistics (formal problems in Spanish phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and lexicology). (75%) 

SPANISH 8380 - Studies in Spanish Sociolinguistics

This course is a graduate-level introduction to pragmatics, broadly the interaction/intersection of language and context, with a focus on relevant phenomena in Spanish and Portuguese. It surveys a range of "classic" topics in the field, such as implicature, presupposition, deixis/anaphora, and speech acts, primarily from a Gricean and neo-Gricean perspective, as well as other topics such as information structure, and "interface" issues. (75%)

SPANISH 8650 - Seminar in Latin American Cultures

Intensive exploration of a cultural period, topic, or problem; topic varies. (100%)

SPANISH 8893 - Hispanic Linguistics Colloquium (1 cr.)

Forum for presentation of research in Hispanic linguistics; introduction to professional issues in workshop format. (50%) 

SPANISH 8894 - Literatures and Cultures Colloquium (1 cr.)

Forum for presentation of research in Iberian and Latin American literatures and cultures; introduction to professional issues in workshop format. (50%) 

WGSST 2340 - Sí se puede: Latinx Gender Studies

Explores the various layers of complexity that have historically made up the Latinx experience in the United States at the intersections of class, race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality. (33%)

WGSST 3505 - Transnational Feminisms

Examines how feminist activists and scholars understand and interrogate contemporary globalization. (25%) 

Haitian Creole

  • LTAM-C 101/501 Elementary Haitian Creole I
  • LTAM-C 201/601 Intermediate Haitian Creole I

Offered via CourseShare through synchronous distance-learning at Indiana University. You may use Indiana University's Course Search Tool to search (e.g. using keyword filter "Haitian Creole") for upcoming offerings. 

To register, contact Rachel Sanabria (sanabria.3) to enroll in French Independent Study 4193 (undergraduate) or 6193 (graduate).


  • LTAM-M 101/501 Elementary Maya I
  • LTAM-M 201/601 Intermediate Haitian Creole I

Offered via CourseShare through synchronous distance-learning at Indiana University. You may use Indiana University's Course Search Tool to search (e.g. using keyword filter "Haitian Creole") for upcoming offerings. 


SPANISH 2151: Latin American Culture & Literature

Introduction to the culture of Spanish America and Brazil through literature, art, music, film, and folklore.(100%)



History 4525 - International History Seminar “Migration in the Americas in the 20th & 21st centuries”

Advanced research and readings on selected topics in International History. (80%)

History 2125: History of Latin America through Film 

Latin American history from the pre-colonial era to the present as depicted in film, including the analysis of colonialism, revolutions, society, women, and current events. (100%)