Careers - U.S. Government & Nonprofit

USA Jobs
Working for America

Avue Central
Federal job search engine

A program of the United States Department of Commerce

State Government Jobs
Jobs with states (directory with job websites of individual states)

State-by-state links to employment resources with U.S. cities, U.S. federal government agency job sites

Federal Government Jobs
Jobs at individual federal agencies (list of agencies with reference to their employment websites)

A-Z Index of Federal Departments and Agencies
With "Employment Opportunities" links

Partnership for Public Service
A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to revitalize our federal government by inspiring a new generation to serve and by transforming the way government works.

Gov Career
Offers such jobs as Foreign Service Officers, Civil Service, Diplomatic Security, Peace Corps, etc.

National Security Agency
There are many language-related jobs at the NSA.

Central Intelligence Agency
The CIA may be looking for someone with your expertise. People of all types of backgrounds may find a job at the CIA. Click on 'Language Positions' if you are looking to use your language skills.

Federal Bureau of Investigation
For people with language skills, click on the 'Linguists' section. Many different types of jobs are offered at the FBI.

Department of Homeland Security
There are numerous jobs both abroad and in the U.S. in a number of different positions.

U.S. Army
Search for jobs on the U.S. Army website.

U.S. Navy
Careers and jobs in the U.S. Navy.

NGO/NPO lists, jobs, etc.

Foreign Policy Association
Nonprofit internship, job, and volunteer opportunities

Nonprofit Jobs Cooperative
Nonprofit Jobs Cooperative - non-profit job search website.

Search engine for nonprofit jobs

Nonprofit Oyster
Search engine for nonprofit jobs

Deep Sweep
Nonprofit job search

Nonprofit Career Network
Search engine

Philanthropy News Digest
Foundation Center - Nonprofit job listing - info on philanthropy

Exec Searches
Nonprofit job listings

The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Philanthropy Careers Newspaper (with job search)

U.S. PIRG - Public Interest Research Group (portal with jobs)

Association Job Boards
Job boards for all associations

United Nations Human Resources
United Nations Office of Human Resources (job search/listings)

UN's Department of Public Information, Non-Governmental Organizations
List of NGOs: Move the cursor over “Resource Center” on the left side of the screen, and then over “DPI/NGO Directory.” Do a search; click on chosen NGO; the info will appear at the very bottom of the page, if the criteria were “find all everywhere.” Most NGOs have their websites with “employment opportunities.”

Outstanding job site listing vacancies in 'hotspots' around the world. Constantly updated. Most jobs are in Central Asia and the Balkans, though there are numerous DC and NYC-based jobs with an international focus.

Peace Corps
The Peace Corps may be the right option for you.

United Nations Jobs
There are many exciting jobs abroad and in New York with the United Nations.

Alliance for Conflict Transformation
A nonprofit organization dedicated to building peace. You can post your resume and search for jobs here.

International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)
Occasionally this organization has opportunities in the region. This organization works with improving education and civil society development.

Eurasia Foundation
The Eurasia Foundation is a privately managed nonprofit organization supported by the United States Agency for International Development and other public and private donors.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
There is an occasional offering here for the region.

Master's in Social Work Online
Explore careers in social work with the Job Guide and Career Center.