Ph.D. in Spanish: Latin American Literatures and Cultures

The goals of this degree are:

  • To train students to design and teach Spanish and/or Portuguese language, literature and culture courses.
  • To provide students with the theoretical knowledge and methodological skills necessary for successful research in the fields of Iberian Studies, Latin American literatures and cultures or Hispanic Linguistics.
  • To acquire fluency in two research languages other than Spanish and English.
  • To develop a specific research specialization within the fields of Iberian Studies, Latin American literatures and cultures or Hispanic Linguistics.
  • To develop a secondary area of concentration and a minor area of study that complements the research specialization.
  • To undertake original research and present the findings in a dissertation.

Possible Fields of Primary Concentration for Latin American Literatures and Cultures:

  • Indigenous, Colonial and National: Colonial Period to 1880
  • Modernity, Postmodernity: Approximately 1880 to Present

Possible Fields of Secondary Concentration for Latin American Literatures and Cultures:

  • The remaining field from above
  • Literary and Cultural Theories
  • Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Cultures

Required Courses: (All courses are SPANISH unless otherwise noted)

  • 8894  Literatures and Cultures Colloquium**  1 credit hour
  • 6700  Literary and Cultural Analysis (if not taken in MA)  3 credit hours
  • 8780  Research Methods and Design  3 credit hours
  • and ONE course in Literary Theory:
    • 7900  Foundations of Contemporary Critical Theory  3 credit hours
    • 8800  Seminar in Literary and Cultural Theory  3 credit hours
    • **Regular enrollment in 8894 is required of all full-time students unless enrollment exceeds maximum limit

Elective Course:

  • 8890  Publication Workshop  3 credit hours 

Core Courses: Primary Concentration.  Students take 4 courses from 1 of the fields listed below.


Latin American Literatures and Cultures: Indigenous, Colonial, and National: Colonial to 1880 (the following courses are 3 credit hours)

  • 7450  Mapping Indigenous, Colonial and 19th-Century Latin American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 7550  Studies in Indigenous and Colonial Latin American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 7590  Comparative Topics in Spanish & Spanish American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 7560  Studies in Independence and 19th-Century Latin American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 8550  Seminar in Indigenous and Colonial Latin American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 8560  Seminar in Independence and 19th-Century Latin American Literatures and Cultures    

Latin American Literatures and Cultures: Modernity, Postmodernity: Approximately 1880 to Present (the following courses are 3 credit hours)

  • 7470  Mapping Modern and Contemporary Latin American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 7570  Studies in Modern Latin American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 7580  Studies in Contemporary Latin American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 7590  Comparative Topics in Spanish & Spanish American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 7650  Topics in Latin American Cultures  
  • 7810  Latin American Film  
  • 8570  Seminar in Modern Latin American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 8580  Seminar in Contemporary Latin American Literatures and Cultures  
  • 8650  Seminar in Latin American Cultures  

Core Courses: Secondary Concentration.  Students take 3 courses from one of the fields above, or 3 courses from 1 of the following fields

Literary and Ciltural Theories (may include courses from other fields or departments), (the following courses are 3 credit hours)

  • 7900  Foundations of Contemporary Critical Theory  
  • 8800  Seminar in Literary and Cultural Theory  
  • 7880  Interdepartmental Studies (on Theory)  
  • 8880  Interdepartmental Seminar (on Theory)  

Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Cultures (the following courses are 3 credit hours)

  • 7595  Comparative Topics in Luso-Hispanic Lit & Culture  
  • PORTGSE 7400  Literatures and Cultures in Portuguese, from the Middle Ages to Neoclassicism  
  • PORTGSE 7420  Literatures and Cultures in Portuguese, from Romanticism to Modernism  
  • PORTGSE 7440  Cinema of the Portuguese-Speaking World  
  • PORTGSE 7460  Literatures and Cultures in Portuguese, from Modernism to the Present  
  • PORTGSE 7500  Studies in Literatures and Cultures of the Portuguese-Speaking World  
  • PORTGSE 8500  Seminar in Literatures and Cultures of the Portuguese-Speaking World  
  • 8595  Seminar in Comparative Luso-Hispanic Lit & Culture  

Minor: Students take 3 courses in an additional field complementing the primary and secondary concentrations. Choices include:

  • Latin American Literatures and Cultures: Indigenous, Colonial, and National: Colonial to 1880**
  • Latin American Literatures and Cultures: Modernity, Postmodernity: Approximately 1880 to Present **
  • Literary and Cultural Theories (no overlap with required courses)**
  • Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Cultures**
  • Hispanic Linguistics
  • A discipline in another department
  • Courses from various departments forming a well-defined minor specialization (e.g. Film Studies, Gender Studies, Ethnic Studies, etc)

**These fields only available as minor areas if not chosen for a Concentration Field

TOTAL: These course requirements total 30-41 graduate credit hours in fulfillment of Ph.D. requirements

*Following the Candidacy Examination, students must complete a minimum of 11-20 hours of Spanish 8999, Research for Dissertation*