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Major in Portuguese


The Portuguese major consists of a minimum of 30 credit hours distributed as indicated below. Up to 3 credits of courses offered in English on the Portuguese-speaking world may count as an elective toward the major. A minimum grade of "C-" in all courses comprising the major is required.

Orientation (6 hours)

Required courses:
3401 Review of Grammar and Composition
3450 Introduction to the Study of Literatures and Cultures 

Core (24 hours)

  • Six (6) credit hours at the 3400+ level in Advanced Language and Linguistics, at least three (3) credit hours must be at the 4000-level or above
  • 12 credit hours at the 4000+ level in Literature and Culture
  • Six (6) credit hours, Electives

Courses in Advanced Portuguese Language and Linguistics

3402 Portuguese Reading and Listening, 3 credits
3403 Portuguese Conversation and Composition, 3 credits
4510 Portuguese Translation, 3 credits
5611 The Portuguese Language, 3 credits
4595 Special Topics - Foreign Study, 1-9 credits
6730 Topics Portuguese Linguistics, 3 credits

Courses in Portuguese Literature and Culture

4551 Literature from the Middle Ages to Neoclassicism, 3 credits
4552 Literature from Romanticism to Present, 3 credits
4560 Cultural Expressions of Portugal and Lusophone Africa, 3 credits
4561 Cultural Expressions of Brazil, 3 credits
4595 Special Topics - Foreign Study, 1-9 credits
5650 Studies in Literatures and Cultures of the Portuguese Speaking World (Repeatable), 3-9 credits 6750 Studies in Literatures and Cultures of the Portuguese Speaking World 3-9 credits

Portuguese Electives

Students may choose from any of the courses listed above or
4193 Individual Studies, 1-3 credits **
4194 Group Studies, 1-9 credits
4597.01 Coloniality and Postcoloniality in the Literatures of Portugal and Portuguese-Speaking Africa, 3 credits (taught in English*)
4597.02 Representing Identity in the Cinema of the Portuguese-Speaking World, 3 credits (taught in English*)
5797 Study at a Foreign Institution, 1-6 credits **
4999H Honors Thesis Research, 1-9 credits **

* Only one course in English may be counted toward the Portuguese Major program.

** ***4999H, 5797, 4193 can be taken for up to 3-9 credit hours, but only a maximum of 3 credit hours for each can count toward the Portuguese Major program.

NOTE: Exceptions to the above requirements and distributions will be considered when they do not diminish the quality of the individual major program.