Raça y Afecto in Luso-Hispanic Literatures and Cultures
The 24th Edition of the Annual Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium (OSUHALSS)
March 12th- 13th 2021, Columbus, Ohio
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Ana Peluffo, UC Davis
Dr. Acauam Silvério de Oliveira, Universidade de Pernambuco
Carol Rodrigues, Independent Director & Screenwriter
The Graduate Students in the Spanish and Portuguese Department at The Ohio State University invite graduate students, professors, and researchers to participate in the 24th edition of the Annual Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium (OSUHALSS), which will be held virtually on March 12th-13th, 2021.
Scholars in literary and cultural studies have long been emphasizing the sociopolitical processes and discourses of racialization that create human differences in our social world. What is less often examined is the role of affects in these processes and intercultural dynamics. On the occasion of the Symposium, they invite interested scholars to reflect and engage in a dialogue about the intersection between race and affect, in their various conceptualizations, within the literatures and cultures of the Luso-Hispanic world.
Call for Proposals
SPPO encourages submissions in the following areas, but other related topics are welcome:
- Affect Studies
- Afro-Latin American Literatures and Cultures
- Body Studies
- Comparative Studies
- Colonial Studies
- Cultural Heritage
- Decolonial and Postcolonial Studies
- Film Studies
- Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
- Globalization
- Iberian Studies
- Identity and Border Studies
- Latin American and Latinx Studies
- Literature and Comparative Literature
- Migration and Diaspora Studies
- Musicology
- Performance and Theatre Studies
- Race and Ethnic Studies
- Translation Studies
- Visual Arts
They welcome proposals for traditional papers, as well as other formats, including performance, creative writing, and video essay, among others. We accept proposals written in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words in the language of the presentation. When you submit your proposal, you will provide the following information: title, presenter(s) name(s), e-mail address, and academic affiliation. Presentations should not exceed 20 minutes.
Proposals should be sent using the following link: https://osu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2uGUFZcg3uXHWnz by February 7, 2021.
Upon acceptance, presenters will be asked to pay a registration fee. SPPO will include payment instructions in our acceptance letter.
Registration fee per person (presenters only)*
- Students: $10
- Others: $20
*Scholars outside the mainland U.S. may request a fee waiver.
All inquiries should be sent to: spposymposium@gmail.com