The Affective Turn under Southern Eyes: Affect, Gender, & Sexuality in Latin America

Scarlet leaves
October 22, 2021
2:20PM - 3:40PM

Date Range
2021-10-22 14:20:00 2021-10-22 15:40:00 The Affective Turn under Southern Eyes: Affect, Gender, & Sexuality in Latin America On Fri., October 22, from 2:20-3:40pm, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese will welcome Drs. Cecilia Macón and Mariela Solana for a talk entitled "The Affective Turn under Southern Eyes: Affect, Gender, and Sexuality in Latin America." The event will take place via Zoom. Use the following credentials to join the meeting: ID: 965 6829 1922        Password: 676414   Zoom America/New_York public

On Fri., October 22, from 2:20-3:40pm, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese will welcome Drs. Cecilia Macón and Mariela Solana for a talk entitled "The Affective Turn under Southern Eyes: Affect, Gender, and Sexuality in Latin America." 

The event will take place via Zoom. Use the following credentials to join the meeting:

Meeting ID: 965 6829 1922        Password: 676414


Macon & Solana Talk

This event is co-sponsored by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Department of Political Science, and the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

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