On Friday, January 29, Antonio José Bacelar da Silva (University of Arizona) will present his lecture, "The Language of Antiracism ". This lecture is the second in the Afro-Brazilian Arts and Activism Lecture Series by CLAS. The event is FREE and open to the public!

Antonio José Bacelar da Silva (Assistant Professor, Brazilian Studies & Linguistic Anthropology, University of Arizona) researches issues that revolve around language, race, and antiracism. He focuses on aspects of Afro-Brazilian antiracist socialization and antiracist activism, including: the construction of racial consciousness among Brazilian blacks and pardos (brown, mixed race); public policies on affirmative action; and the challenges of identification in racial quotas for Brazilian black people. Before joining the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Arizona, Antonio José Bacelar da Silva was a CAPES Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Fellow in the Graduate Studies in Language and Culture at the Universidade Federal da Bahia (Salvador, Brazil) from 2014-2016. During that period, he conducted ethnographic research on the impact of electoral campaigning with a race appeal on Afro-Brazilian voters in Salvador. Funded by CAPES and Post-Ph.D. Wenner-Gren grant, this study focuses on Afro-Brazilians' struggle to reconcile Brazil's dominant ideology of race mixing, the obligations of liberal citizenship (to treat people as equal citizens), and government policies on affirmative action. His upcoming book is entitled Between Black and Brown: Antiracism Activism Among Afro-Brazilians (Rutgers, 2022).
Friday, January 29, 2021
11:10 AM- 12:30 PM (horário Brasília 13:10-14:30)
Zoom Link: go.osu.edu/CLASAfroBrazil
Meeting ID: 940 5025 4422
Password: 183273
*If you require an accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in this event, please contact Isis Barra Costa at barracosta.1@osu.edu. Requests made one week in advance of the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.*