On Friday, November 19th (2:20-3:40pm), Dr. Livia Oushiro (University of Campinas) will give a lecture entitled "Dialect contact: Results from the Accommodation Project and a research agenda."
This event, co-sponsored by CLAS and the Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese is free and open to the public and will be presented via Zoom (https://osu.zoom.us/j/99734982818?pwd=UUxRUkR6ZFRhOFlHcXRuaFY0ejM4UT09).
SPPO students will meet in Hagerty Hall 042 to participate as part of colloquium.
Talk abstract:
The speech of migrant populations experiencing dialect contact provides insight into one of the key mechanisms of language change (Trudgill, 1986; Dodsworth, 2017) and patterns of dialect acquisition (Chambers, 1992; Tagliamonte & Molfenter, 2007; Nycz, 2011; Otheguy & Zentella, 2012). This talk presents an overview of results from the Accommodation Project (Oushiro, 2016), which has been systematically analyzing multiple sociolinguistic variables (prosodic, phonological and morphosyntactic) in a corpus specially built to disentangle the effects of Age of Arrival (AoA) and Length of Residence (LoR): forty Brazilian Portuguese speakers from the Northeastern states of Alagoas and Paraíba living in the Southeastern state of São Paulo, balanced for sex, AoA (-19 y.o.; 20+ y.o.), and LoR (-9 or 10+ years) (Oushiro, 2020). Our results show that while AoA and LoR distinguish phonetic and morphosyntactic variables, dialect acquisition also involves a complex web of differently defined regional and individual identities. Based on the results, I will further discuss a research agenda for dialect contact studies.

Livia Oushiro is a professor of Sociolinguistics at the Institute of Language Studies at the University of Campinas. Her research interests include language contact and the acquisition of new linguistic traits by internal migrants living in the state of São Paulo, the relation between variable linguistic production and perception, and computational models of language variation. She leads the study group VARIEM (Variação, Identidade, Estilo e Mudança), whose members’ research focuses on language variation and change in social groups and in individuals.
If you require an accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in this event, please contact Anna Babel (babel.6@osu.edu). Requests made one week in advance of the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.