On Friday, February 12, Edimilson de Almeida Pereira (Federal University of Juiz de Fora) will present his lecture, "The Poetics of Afro-Minas". This lecture is the fourth installment of the Afro-Brazilian Arts and Activism Lecture Series by CLAS. The event is FREE and open to the public!
Edimilson de Almeida Pereira is an acclaimed poet, novelist, anthropologist, literary critic, and professor of Portuguese and African Literatures at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais. His most recent publications include his poetry compilation Poesia+ (2019) and his highly-praised debut novel O ausente (2020). As a researcher of Afro-Brazilian performances, cosmologies and oral literatures, Pereira has published extensively. His contribution as a poet, anthropologist, and literary critic is extraordinarily prolific and fundamental. According to on eof Pereira's main critics, Maria José Somerlate Barbosa, in Pereira's poetry "the reader feels the presence of the land, and the palpable Afro-Mineiro tradition. In his literary creation, language is part of a mytical and historical encironment used in the backlands of Minas Gerais and/or in the religious and secular Afro-Mineiro rites, recounting the past without losing sight of significance in the present." Some of Pereira's works includes: Os tambores estão frios: herança cultura e sincretismo religioso no ritual de Candombe (2005); Malungos na escola: questões sobre culturas afrodescendentes e educação (2007); Um tigre na floresta de signos (2010); Entre Orfe(x)u e Exunouveau: análise de uma estética de base diaspórica na literatura brasileira (2017); and A saliva de fala: notas sobre a poética banto-católica no Brasil (2017). Some of his productions in partnership with Núbia Pereira M. Gomes includes: Mundo encaixado: significação da cultura popular (1982); Assim se benze em Minas Gerais (1989); Arturos: Olhos do Rosário (1990); Do presépio ã balança: representações sociais da vida religiosa (1995); Negras raizes mineiras: os Arturos (2000); Ardis da imagem: exclusão étnica e violência nos discursos da cultura brasileira (2001); Flor do não esquecimento: cultura popular e processos de transformação (2002); Outro Preto da Palavra: narrativa de preceito do Congado em Minas Gerais (2003).
Friday, February 12, 2021
11:10 AM - 12:30 PM (horário Brasília 13:10-14:30)
Zoom Link: go.osu.edu/CLASAfroBrazil
Meeting ID: 940 5025 4422
Password: 183273
*If you require an accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in this event, please contact Isis Barra Costa at barracosta.1@osu.edu. Requests made one week in advance of the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.*