Paisajes en ruina: apuntes para una comprensión de la Venezuela posrevolucionaria

Paisajes en ruina: apuntes para una comprension de la Venezuela posrevolucionaria flyer
April 24, 2023
6:00PM - 7:00PM

Date Range
2023-04-24 18:00:00 2023-04-24 19:00:00 Paisajes en ruina: apuntes para una comprensión de la Venezuela posrevolucionaria Join us on Monday, April 24 from 6-7 p.m. (Eastern) via Zoom for a webinar by Professor Manuel Silva-Ferrer entitled "Paisajes en ruina: apuntes para una comprensión de la Venezuela posrevolucionaria.”This event will be in Spanish.Brief summary of the talkLa charla aspira propiciar una reflexión sobre la realidad contemporánea de Venezuela, y la influencia que ésta ha tenido sobre América Latina y sus preocupaciones en relación con la ideología, el cambio político, la violencia, el activismo, así como la formación de originales comunidades diaspóricas integradas por nuevos actores sociales, políticos y culturales.About the speaker Manuel Silva-Ferrer is a researcher of contemporary Latin American culture. He studied Culture and Communication at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and earned a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Latin American Cultural Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. He is currently a visiting professor at the Universidad Autónoma Indígena Intercultural del Cauca, Colombia. Silva-Ferrer has extensive practical and academic experience in the field of culture and media. He publishes widely in academic journals and newspapers, and speaks frequently at conferences and meetings in both Latin America and Europe.Since 2018 he has been director/editor of the influential, Venezuela-focused magazine, Trópico Absoluto (Twitter: @TropicoAbsolut). This ambitious project rests on his previous years of cultural-and-media work, on the ground in Venezuela. From 2020 he has been leading the research colloquium (Re)thinking Venezuela, in collaboration with the Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University. Here, his resume includes having been Director of Communications of the National Cinematheque, the General Director of Cinematography of the National Council of Culture, a member of the Board of Directors of the National Autonomous Center of Cinematography, director of the Latin American photography magazine ExtraCámara, and a founding member of the National Center of Photography.  Moreover, he co-authored the Venezuelan Film legislation in 2005.He is especially well-known for his research on the culture-and-oil relationship in Latin America, having authored the book El cuerpo dócil de la cultura. Poder, Cultura y Comunicación en la Venezuela de Chávez (Iberomaericana-Vervuert 2014) which explored the Venezuelan oil-culture-and-politics nexus at the dawn beginning of the 21st century, and is now preparing an edited volume Los paisajes del subsuelo, configuraciones, narrativas y espacios en las culturas del petróleo (The landscapes of the subsoil, configurations, narratives, and spaces in oil cultures). Silva-Ferrer is also an active voice in the recently established interdisciplinary research group OCMELA – Oil Cultures of the Middle East and Latin America. Zoom America/New_York public

Join us on Monday, April 24 from 6-7 p.m. (Eastern) via Zoom for a webinar by Professor Manuel Silva-Ferrer entitled "Paisajes en ruina: apuntes para una comprensión de la Venezuela posrevolucionaria.”

This event will be in Spanish.

Brief summary of the talk

La charla aspira propiciar una reflexión sobre la realidad contemporánea de Venezuela, y la influencia que ésta ha tenido sobre América Latina y sus preocupaciones en relación con la ideología, el cambio político, la violencia, el activismo, así como la formación de originales comunidades diaspóricas integradas por nuevos actores sociales, políticos y culturales.

About the speaker


Manuel Silva-Ferrer is a researcher of contemporary Latin American culture. He studied Culture and Communication at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and earned a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Latin American Cultural Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. He is currently a visiting professor at the Universidad Autónoma Indígena Intercultural del Cauca, Colombia. 

Silva-Ferrer has extensive practical and academic experience in the field of culture and media. He publishes widely in academic journals and newspapers, and speaks frequently at conferences and meetings in both Latin America and Europe.

Since 2018 he has been director/editor of the influential, Venezuela-focused magazine, Trópico Absoluto (Twitter: @TropicoAbsolut). This ambitious project rests on his previous years of cultural-and-media work, on the ground in Venezuela. From 2020 he has been leading the research colloquium (Re)thinking Venezuela, in collaboration with the Department of Romance Studies at Cornell University. Here, his resume includes having been Director of Communications of the National Cinematheque, the General Director of Cinematography of the National Council of Culture, a member of the Board of Directors of the National Autonomous Center of Cinematography, director of the Latin American photography magazine ExtraCámara, and a founding member of the National Center of Photography.  Moreover, he co-authored the Venezuelan Film legislation in 2005.

He is especially well-known for his research on the culture-and-oil relationship in Latin America, having authored the book El cuerpo dócil de la cultura. Poder, Cultura y Comunicación en la Venezuela de Chávez (Iberomaericana-Vervuert 2014) which explored the Venezuelan oil-culture-and-politics nexus at the dawn beginning of the 21st century, and is now preparing an edited volume Los paisajes del subsuelo, configuraciones, narrativas y espacios en las culturas del petróleo (The landscapes of the subsoil, configurations, narratives, and spaces in oil cultures). Silva-Ferrer is also an active voice in the recently established interdisciplinary research group OCMELA – Oil Cultures of the Middle East and Latin America.

If you require an accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in this event, please contact Mark Hoff ( Requests made one week in advance of the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date

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