February- June 2021 (6:00PM - 7:30/8PM; 9:30AM - 11/11:30AM; 5-6:30/7PM, depending on BookBox)
*Please note, as OSU switches over to WorkDay, our processing system has shifted and thus, there have been some delays. We thank you for your patience as we work to provide you with these educator opportunities.*
- Spring BookBox 1: Exploring Latin America in PictureBooks and Poetry will start on Monday, February 8, for 7 weeks. This BookBox is a general set of books focused on Latin American content. Each MONDAY, from 6-7:30/8pm, we will discuss one of the selected books (five in total) and ways Latin American centered children's books can be used in the classroom. This program runs 7 weeks long--an initial session that is led by Dr. Enciso, sessions for each book and a final presentation session. Teachers can earn 11.5 contact hours/1.15 CEUS for their participation, as well as a possible $100 for a completed lesson plan (with corrections, should that be needed).
- Session 1: 6-8pm--Dr. Enciso and Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros (OSU Librarian) Courtesy Associate Professor.
- Sessions 2-6; 6-7:30pm—each session focuses on one of the following books: My Papi has a Motorcycle by Isabel Quintero and illustrated by Zeke Peña Kokila (2019); Tia Isa wants a car by Meg Medina (2011); When Angels Sing: The Story of Rock Legend Carlos Santana by Michael Mahin (Author), Jose Ramirez (Illustrator) (2018); Auntie Luce’s Talking Paintings by Francie Latour and illustrated by Ken Daley (2018); They Call Me Güero: A Border Kid’s Poems by David Bowles (2018).
- Session 7: 6-8pm--Lesson Plan Draft Presentation & final reflection of the Virtual BookBox.
- Spring BookBox 2: Black/Afro-Latinx identity in children’s literature will start on Saturday, March 6, for 7 weeks. This BookBox meets each SATURDAY, from 930-11/11:30am. We will discuss one of the selected books (five in total) and ways Latin American centered children's books can be used in the classroom. This program runs 7 weeks long--an initial session that is led by Dr. Enciso, sessions for each book and a final presentation session. Teachers can earn 11.5 contact hours/1.15 CEUS for their participation, as well as a possible $100 for a completed lesson plan (with corrections, should that be needed).
- Session 1: 9:30-11:30am--Dr. Enciso and Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros (OSU Librarian) Courtesy Associate Professor.
- Sessions 2-6: 9:30-11am—each session focuses on one of the following books (TENTATIVE book list): Pelo Bueno by Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro, Drum Dream Girl By Margarita Engle, My Name is Celia/Me Llamo Celia by Monica Brown, Niña Bonita by Ana Maria Machado, Pele, King of Soccer/Pele, El Rey del Futbol by Monica Brown
- Session 7: 9:30-11:30am--Lesson Plan Draft Presentation & final reflection of the Virtual BookBox.
- Spring BookBox 3: Indigenous populations in Latin America in children’s literature will start on Thursday, March 18, for 8 weeks. Each THURSDAY, from 5-6:30/7pm, we will discuss one of the selected books (five in total) and ways Latin American centered children's books can be used in the classroom. This program runs 8 weeks long--an initial session that is led by Dr. Enciso, sessions for each book and a final presentation session. Teachers can earn 13 contact hours/1.3 CEUS for their participation, as well as a possible $100 for a completed lesson plan (with corrections, should that be needed).
- Session 1: 5-7pm--Dr. Enciso and Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros (OSU Librarian) Courtesy Associate Professor.
- Sessions 2-6; 5-6:30pm—each session focuses on one of the following (TENTATIVE book list): Sharuko: Peruvian Archaeologist Julio C. Tello by Monica Brown, Xochitl and the Flowers/Xochitl, la nina de las flores by Jorge Argueta, Yum! ¡MmMm! ¡Qué Rico!: Americas’ Sproutings by Pat Mora, The Smoking Mirror (Garza Twins) (Volume 1) by David Bowles, The Princess and the Warrior: A Tale of Two Volcanoes by Duncan Tonatiuh.
- Session 7: 5-6:30pm—Invited guest speaker.
- Session 8: 5-7pm--Lesson Plan Draft Presentation & final reflection of the Virtual BookBox.
- Participants are REQUIRED to attend all sessions in order to receive a CEU letter. If you are unable to attend a particular session, you must contact Patricia Vocal PRIOR to that session for an alternate assignment.
- This is open to any k-12 teacher, though it may be more suitable for k-8th teachers. Some books contain Spanish and the extent of the Spanish depends on on the individual book.
- There may be events for additional CEU/contact hours; this is at the discretion of CLAS and depending on university scheduling of events.
- You many only register for ONE BookBox, per semester.
Register HERE for Spring BookBox 1: Exploring Latin America in PictureBooks and Poetry
Register HERE for Spring BookBox 2: Black/Afro-Latinx identity in children’s literature
Register HERE for Spring BookBox 3: Indigenous populations in Latin American in children’s literature