2021 Boren Awards Application is Open!

October 14, 2020

2021 Boren Awards Application is Open!

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All Boren Awards-funded programs must include language study as a core element for the duration of the grant. Applicants are encouraged to select or design programs that will provide an immersive environment both in the classroom and through extracurricular activities in order to demonstrate their commitment to language study. 

  • Boren Scholars (undergraduate) should seek study abroad programs that have a serious language component. Language study should comprise the majority of overseas coursework. Beyond the classroom, language immersion may take place in university housing with local students, in homestays with local families, or through research or volunteering conducted in the local language. The deadline is Feb. 3, 2021.
  • Boren Fellows (graduate) must have a serious language component in their overseas study proposals. This is the only required element, so proposals to enroll in a traditional language program will be sufficient. Graduate students are encouraged to simultaneously pursue research relevant to their degrees, additional academic coursework, and/or internships. Graduate students may also supplement their overseas study with private tutoring. The deadline is Jan. 27, 2021.

Quechua and Portuguese are both eligible languages for the Boren Awards.