BuckIDream Ally Trainings SP19

December 6, 2018

BuckIDream Ally Trainings SP19

Office of Diversity and Inclusion Logo
Learn about the issues and ways that we can support the success of undocumented students at Ohio State.
What challenges do DACA & undocumented students face nationwide? What are the financial, psychological, and educational repercussions of living with undocumented status? What OSU resources are available for DACA and undocumented students? What can I do to support these students? Where can I find more information or resources about this topic?  
The workshop will include information on your rights, role-playing for instructors, staff, and students, bystander training, and raising awareness in your social network. Become a member of the OSU BuckIDream Working Group!
January 23rd, 2019 1:00 pm-4:00 pm*: https://goo.gl/forms/CjifY3Ab0Yexkvq33
March 26th, 2019 1:00 pm-4:00 pm*: https://goo.gl/forms/vEwbTWP6SgbNi1oD2
*Location TBD
Comments/questions?  Contact BuckIDream@gmail.com


Sponsored by the OSU BuckIDream Working Group, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and the Office of Student Life