Call for Abstracts: Global One Health Day Conference

Call for abstracts: Virtual Poster Sessions & Student Competition
Deadline: October 2, 2020
The biennial Global One Health Day Conference at The Ohio State University brings together multiple disciplines working locally, nationally and internationally to address the spread of disease, promote health and emphasize the connection among humans, animals, plants and their shared environment.
The organizing committee is now accepting abstracts for the 2020 conference titled, “Strengthening Global Resilience through One Health: A 2020 Vision for a Sustainable Future,” hosted virtually November 5-7, 2020. A virtual poster session will be held each day to share timely and relevant One Health research and engagement activities. The posters will be presented virtually through Zoom. You can find more details about this year’s conference, including registration information and program details at
Interested students, post-docs and early-career researchers/faculty are invited to submit. Abstracts are limited to 300 words and must report the results of original research pertinent to the subject matter. Abstracts related to session themes will be prioritized, but all One Health-related topics will be considered. Papers may also report subject matter of an educational and/or nontechnical nature. The committee will evaluate all abstracts submitted for acceptance. Abstracts containing Information previously published in a copyrighted journal are not permitted.
The option to enter the competition is available for students, post-docs and early career researchers/faculty. The winner of the GOHi Student Poster Award 2020 will be recognized in the closing remarks of the conference.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, October 2. Submit your abstract using the online submission form.
Questions regarding abstract submission should be directed to Sanja Ilic, Department of Human Sciences, Human Nutrition, at or 614-292-4076.