Call For Abstracts: "Mobilizing at the Margins: Citizenship, Identity, and Democracy" Lago Graduate Student Conference

"Mobilizing at the Margins: Citizenship, Identity, and Democracy"
Lago Graduate Student Conference
February 5-7th, 2015
New Orleans, LA
Deadline for Submissions: October 24th, 2014
Length of Submissions: 300 words or less
Tulane University’s Latin American Graduate Organization (LAGO) invites your abstract submissions for the 2015 Graduate Conference where you can meet graduate scholars, faculty, and community leaders interested in Latin America, explore the city, and experience the unique Mardi Gras season in New Orleans!
This year’s conference encourages participants to engage with historical and emerging confrontations and reconfigurations of national identification, expressions of individual or communal identity, performances of citizenship, and reimaginings of democracy within the context of Latin America. Latin America and the Caribbean encompass vast cultural, linguistic, and geographic diversity, making the region a subject of prolific scholarly study across disciplines. Within this complexity, conceptualizations of citizenship, identity, and democracy are constantly being negotiated, contested, and reframed in a multitude of contexts. These various encounters highlight the ways in which individuals interact with their communities, how communities define themselves within and/or beyond the framework of national borders, and how power and politics play out in an increasingly interconnected and decentralized global community.
With this broad theme in mind, LAGO invites graduate scholars across disciplines to submit abstracts exploring mobilizations of citizenship, identity and democracy from the physical, societal and theoretical margins of Latin America and the Caribbean region for LAGO’s 2015 graduate student conference. LAGO encourages participants to interpret this theme as they see fit. We invite submissions in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Haitian Creole for consideration.
Submit your abstract by Friday, October 24th, 2014.
For more information please visit LAGO's website.