Call for Proposals: V Intercultural Encounter of Amerindian Literature(s) & Culture(s) 2018

The V Intercultural Encounter of Amerindian Literature(s) & Culture(s) Conference 2018 is calling for proposals, with a submission deadline of October 16th, 2017. The conference will take place in Bogotá, Colombia, from April 25-29, 2018.
The description of the conference is as such: "The indigenous languages and literatures of the Americas and the Abya Yala make up one of the most dynamic and critical fields of intercultural creation of the contemporary world. Countless narrators, writers, and creators in hundreds of native languages as well as in languages of the colonial legacy, interweave their voices, calling on hegemonic societies and (re) planting knowledge(s) in a multiplicity of ways to see, feel, and recreate the stories that make us human.
For this V Intercultural Encounter, we call on creators, professors, researchers, and students who are in dialogue with and from the multiple places of interpolations and epistemological utterances of the indigenous world. We call for papers on intercultural education, creation, and research from a wide range of themes, nuances, and explorations."
Accepted proposals will be announced October 25th, 2017. Registration of participants will occur from October 26th to November 10th, 2017.
All speakers and attendees must register at the stipulated dates, through the inscription available on the website:
Please send your proposal with the subject: EILA Proposal to: