CLAS Curriculum Development Grants

CLAS is opening a call for curriculum development proposals about topics related to Latin America from current faculty affiliates. If you are interested in submitting a grant proposal, please see the details below.
As part of its Title VI Comprehensive National Resource Center funding from the International and Foreign Language Education division of the U.S. Department of Education, the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) seeks proposals for Curriculum Development Grants, which are available to any Ohio State faculty affiliate who wishes to apply for funding to create new courses at Ohio State with an emphasis on Latin America, or design curricular modules to be used as a resource for K12 students or for instructors at the K12 or community college level.
Up to $2,000 is available for curricular modules and up to $3,000 is available for new course development. Funds can be used to support faculty supplemental compensation, hire graduate/undergraduate student assistants, and purchase materials as a research supplement.
The deadline to submit a proposal is September 1, 2020.