CLLC Translation and Interpreting Program Looking for Graduate Student for GAAship

The Translation and Interpreting Program housed in the Center of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (CLLC) is looking for a 25% GAA for summer 2021, fall 2021, and spring 2022. Funded with funds from the Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Theme (GAHDT), this position will carry a stipend ($4,820/per 4.5 month semester/10 hours/week) and pay for tuition at 25% percent (or 50% if no other tuition funding is available). The GAA will work closely and collaboratively with the T&I program director in a mentor/mentee relationship governed by a jointly developed Memorandum of Agreement.
The programmatic core of the GAAship is threefold: (1)The mentee will propose an individual T&I project with a focus on social change broadly defined. The project can fall under any T&I rubric (literary or professional translation, interpreting), but the letter of intent needs to state clearly how the project engages with one or more aspects of social change. (2)The mentee will facilitate peer-to-peer T&I professionalization initiatives on campus and work closely with on-and off campus partners to build sustainable language access partnerships for T&I students completing their CLLC 5103 T&I Practicum, a core course for the undergraduate T&I certificate. (3)The mentee will develop gather and create content for new CLLC-based T&I focused media tools (e.g., blog, e-newsletter, etc.) in order to disseminate formal T&I professionalization opportunities, develop features about students' T&I projects, and highlight partnerships that create language access for diverse communities.
The GAAship is designed to allow the mentee to identify best practices within T&I pedagogy, to develop a T&I network within and beyond OSU, and to engage in socially meaningful project management and implementation. CLLC will fund the public presentation of the mentee's individual project in the appropriate local and national venues. Required qualifications: Graduate standing at OSU; advanced proficiency in at least one language other than English; demonstrated interest in T&I work (e.g., relevant coursework, research, translation, interpreting, volunteer work, etc.).
Desired qualifications: strong interpersonal skills; software proficiency; DEI involvement.
A letter of intent should (1) outline relevant languages, background, coursework, and research/professional experiences (if any); (2) describe the proposed individual T&I project in some detail; (3) discuss prior collaborative experiences in a university or other settings; (4) identify prior or current involvement in DEI initiatives at the university or elsewhere (if applicable).
Review of applications will begin May 7 and will continue until position is filled. Please feel free to reach out to the prospective mentor, Prof. Patricia Sieber (, with any questions that you may have.