Columbia University ILAS Visiting Fellowships

Lemann Visiting Public Policy Fellowship
The Columbia University Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies (LCBS) is seeking applicants for the Lemann Visiting Public Policy Fellows program, a unique opportunity for scholars and practitioners interested in spending one or two semesters at Columbia engaging in public policy-related research, attending and contributing to public programming, interacting with faculty and students, and participating in courses.
The Lemann Visiting Public Policy Fellows program is open to those with diverse disciplinary backgrounds related to public policy and social impact in Brazil. Applications are welcome from practitioners with hands-on experiences in public policy through work in government institutions or non-governmental organizations, as well as PhD-holding academics in mid- or advanced- career stages. We especially welcome applicants who bring innovative approaches to studying and/or addressing major social challenges, such as education, public health, socioeconomic inclusion, urban development, and sustainable development. Application deadline: February 1st, 2021.
Argentine Studies Visiting Fellowship
The Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) at Columbia University invites applications for the Argentine Studies Visiting Fellowship. This fellowship provides financing for short‐term (two months) visits to Columbia by scholars and scientists from any discipline who are working in Argentina on the topic of choice for that academic year. The Program is supported by the Foundation for Argentinean Development (FUNDAR); its purpose is to strengthen scholarly ties between Columbia and the academic community of Argentina while fostering research that can inform a broad policy conversation in Argentina and the region.
The call for the academic year 2021-2022 will concentrate on gender from a broad perspective including social movements and public policies, care policies and work, gender diversity and reproductive rights, gender security and human rights, and economic inclusion in Argentina. Applicants are expected to have an expertise and prior work on the area, and their proposal should list how they plan to use the resources at Columbia to produce a policy paper to be discussed at the end of their fellowship, which will be published in a working paper series by the ILAS and which will be made public by FUNDAR in Argentina.
Please feel free to forward this call to any scholar in Argentina who may be interested in applying. Applicants with PhD or equivalent degree are preferred. Application deadline: April 15th, 2021.
The Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) is pleased to announce the next call for applications for the 2022 Edmundo O’Gorman Scholars Program which provides financing for short-term visits (two months) to Columbia University by scholars and scientists from any discipline who are working in Mexican institutions of higher education. The Program is supported by the National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT) of Mexico; its purpose is to strengthen scholarly ties between Columbia and the academic and research community of Mexico. Application deadline: April 15th, 2021
The Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) is pleased to announce its annual Tinker Visiting Professorship for academic year 2022-2023. (Fall 2022 – Spring 2023). Columbia is one of five major universities to have a professorship endowed by the Tinker Foundation. The goal of the Tinker Visiting Professor program is to bring to the campus pre-eminent scholars and professionals—journalists, writers, artists, public officials—who are citizens of Latin America or the Iberian Peninsula and reside in the region, as a means of encouraging contact and collaboration.
A Tinker Visiting Professor offers to teach or co-teach one course, a mixed graduate/undergraduate class in their field of expertise. The visitor is also asked to give two public lectures. The visiting professor receives a stipend, office space at ILAS, assistance arranging Columbia housing, roundtrip airfare from their home country, and part-time research assistance. Funding can also be made available to support conferences or other events at Columbia related to the visitor’s fields of interest during or following their semester of residence. Application deadline: April 15th, 2021.