Día de los Muertos 2019!

On Saturday, October 19, 2019, The Ohio State University put on an event celebrating Día de los Muertos! Students, faculty and staff, and the community of Columbus came together to celebrate the holiday. We enjoyed music, face painting, Junior's tacos, and a screening of "The Book of Life" at Gateway Film Center. Then, we all joined in on the procession leading to Sullivant Hall, where the rest of the day took place. Dance Brazil and Suzan Bradford Kounta, artistic director of the Thiossane Institute, collaborated to demonstrate dance migrations of the African diaspora within the Americas in their performance entitiled, "How Movement Moves: Dancing Across Borders, from West Africa to the Americas". To close the afternoon, the Department of Spanish & Portuguese held a reception with a colorful altar, and Latinx showcased their pop-up exhibit entitled, "Comics Past, Present and Future".
We have compiled a photo album of all the beautiful pictures that were captured from this event on our Flickr.
If you would like to share your photos, please send them to clas@osu.edu!