February 22, 2019
Department of Spanish & Portuguese Annual Symposia

The Department of Spanish and Portuguese holds two symposia each year: the Annual Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium and the Annual Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (OSUCHiLL). Below you will find more information about the current edition of each event.
The 22nd Annual Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium
March 29-30, 2019, Columbus, OH
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Ignacio Sánchez Prado Washington University in St. Louis
Dr. Leonardo Tonus Université Paris-Sorbonne
In a time of xenophobia, hate speech, and political unrest in the United States of America, the 2019 Ohio State Anual Hispanic and Lusophone Studies Symposium questions on a global scale the "supposed" universal values that the American flag represents. Neither justice nor liberty has been given to those who challenge the premise of an indivisible nation. The reality has been notably different for minority groups including women, people of color, immigrants, and children, all of which have had their voices silenced. The name of this conference "And justice for all?..." begins with a question that invites us to find the silenced voices of today and to bring them to an academic setting, working alongside them and acting as agents of change on a global scale.
Any questions can be directed to spposymposium2019@gmail.com
The 22nd Annual Ohio State University Congress on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics (OSUCHiLL)
March 29-30, 2019, Columbus, OH
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Anna Maria Escobar (Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of Illiniois - Urbana Champaign) - Her research interests include Contact Linguistics and Bilingualism, Sociolinguistics and Dialectology, Dynamics of Language (Variation and Change), Historical Andean Sociolinguistics, Quechua/Spanish Contact, Morphology, Grammaticalization and Semantic Change.
Patricia Amaral (Associate Professor at Department of Spanish and Portuguese at Indiana University - Bloomington) - Here research interests include Syntax-Semantics Interface, Historical Linguistics (Syntactic and Semantic Change), Lexical Semantics, Romance Linguistics and Experimental Pragmatics.
For more information contact:
Luana Lamberti or Paloma Pinillos Chávez