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Dr. Valente Alvarez gives workshop to engineering students in Peru

December 6, 2023

Dr. Valente Alvarez gives workshop to engineering students in Peru

group of students

CLAS Affiliate Faculty and Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Dr. Valente Alvarez was invited to participate in the XXII Congresso Nacional de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Agroindustrial in Cusco, Peru in early November 2023. The congress had over 700 students in attendance, and, in addition to giving a talk on the importance of food science and technology as an area of agro-industries, Dr. Alvarez gave a workshop on the sensory evaluation of yogurt products. The 30 students attending the workshop learned how to sensory evaluate local yogurt products in terms of its body, texture, taste, appearance, and flavor.

Two professors and three students in Peru

Over the weekend, Dr. Alvarez was able to visit cultural and historic sites in Peru.

Dr. Alvarez's presentation and workshop contributed to CLAS's goal of strengthening our support of STEM fields In Latin America. CLAS and the Office of International Affairs supported Dr. Alvarez's trip through our Faculty Research, Teaching and Outreach Grant. Faculty can find out more information and apply here.