Featured FLAS Fellow: Clara Hach

August 30, 2021

Featured FLAS Fellow: Clara Hach

Clara Hach

Clara Hach is a 2021-2022 undergraduate FLAS fellow studying Portuguese.

"I am taking Portuguese because I am interested in Latin American studies and I want to broaden my international knowledge. I have always had an interest in global politics; by learning Portuguese I am exposed to an entirely different culture and way of life. I hope to expand my knowledge of international politics instead of focusing primarily on domestic politics. I believe by understanding other cultures and governments, I will be able to analyze policies through a global lens. Additionally, learning another language enables me to travel abroad and live in another country where I can experience new cultures.

I hope to work for the Department of the Interior doing policy work for the National Park System. I would love to work in Brazil doing conservation efforts for the Amazon rainforest. Knowing Portuguese will surely help me find a job in Brazil which would be an incredible experience and provide a different outlook on international environmental policy."