Featured FLAS Fellow: Cullen Roth

Cullen Roth is a 2021-2022 undergraduate FLAS fellow studying Portuguese.
"I love learning languages and since I already speak Spanish at a high level, I figured Portuguese could be next since they are so similar. I also love learning about the cultures of various different places around the world, and taking Portuguese classes is a good way to learn about all different kinds of cultures since Portuguese is so widespread around the world. I also hope to visit Brazil one day when I am not in school, and I want to be able to speak the language when I go.
I should have a license to teach Spanish K-12 by the time I graduate, so I hope to become a high school Spanish teacher. Having a background in Portuguese will be helpful for this career path because I will have so much more context for the wider Latin American culture and languages, and I can incorporate that into my classroom."