Featured FLAS Fellow: Dylan Newport

Dylan Newport is a 2021-2022 undergraduate FLAS fellow studying Portuguese.
"My deep interest in Portuguese started in high school while watching Brazil host the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016. These events drew my attention to this populous Portuguese-speaking country and I became fascinated with the Brazilian language and culture. I started studying the language in an academic setting when I transferred from Ohio Northern University after my freshman year. Portuguese was the perfect third language to start learning for me due to its similarities to Spanish. I will continue to study Portuguese with the goal of achieving fluency and using these language skills in my career and future travels.
Before graduating, it is my hope that I will have the opportunity to study abroad in Brazil. Afterwards, I would like to pursue a career in the intelligence community or with a global risk and strategic consulting firm, where I could apply the knowledge I’ve gained thanks to the FLAS fellowship."