Festival Latino: Call for Volunteers

Festival Latino is approaching in about a month, and there are still slots available to volunteer! We currently have slots available at all times throughout the festival (10am – 8pm on August 10th and 11th). The Center for Latin American Studies and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese will be partnering to have a booth at the festival. Throughout the two days of the festival, we have arranged to have Spanish teachers offer short language lessons as well as to have performances by student organizations at Ohio State. During this time, we would like three volunteers to be available at the booth at all times to engage with members of the community as they walk through the festival and participate in the activities we offer.
You don’t need any special knowledge to be able to volunteer, all we ask is for at least two hours of your time where you will engage with the community and hand out swag. You can easily schedule your volunteering into your visit to Festival Latino (you’ll be there anyway, right?)! In addition to our ‘booth attendants’, we will need volunteers to help set up and tear down at the hour before (9am – 10am) and after (8pm – 9pm) the festival. We will be providing an orientation for volunteers scheduled in early August to address logistics and review the expectations for volunteers. To sign up, send an e-mail to bustamante.40@osu.edu!