October 31, 2019
Global May Brazil: Salvador and Rio de Janeiro

This course will take place in the two beautiful cities of Brazil: Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. The main focus is on Afro-Brazilian culture through its dances, music, cuisine, and spirituality. Students will be introduced to topics ranging from a history of encounters on the shores to contemporary issues on education, economy, urbanization, and public health. Through coursework in the classroom, as well as through experiential learning, students will gain a unique perspective of this emerging world power. The first portion of the program will take place in Salvador, in the northeast region of the country that will introduce students to the vibrant African and Indigenous traditions that help make Brazil so unique.
The last part of the program is based in Rio de Janeiro, a more affluent and industrialized culture. Students will also take several field trips and have the opportunity to collaborate and interact with Brazilian university students to foster cross-cultural dialogue and engage in activities and service projects. This program is specifically designed for first and second year students of any major who are interested in learning about the global significance of Brazil, but students of all years are welcome to apply.
When: May 1, 2020 - May 24, 2020
Credit: Portuguese 2798.10 (GE: Open Options - Education Abroad)
Program Cost: $4346 + Ohio State tuition & fees
Application Deadline: January 2, 2020
Apply here: https://educationabroad.osu.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10208
If you have any questions, please contact Louise Yahiaoui (yahiaoui.2@osu.edu).