April 12, 2017
Haitian Creole Summer Language Workshop!

Program Summary: The intensive, proficiency-based Introductory Haitian Creole curriculum features 20 contact hours weekly and a rich co-curricular program, including language tables, films, clubs, cooking demonstrations, and lectures with area studies specialists. Participants study in small, studentfocused classes with highly qualified instructors from around the globe, while preparing for study abroad or foreign service by working with authentic materials and gaining cultural proficiency. Classes are held on the Indiana University campus in Bloomington, IN, with morning sessions Monday-Friday
and extracurricular activities in the afternoons. Program participants earn transferable IU credit and have access to university libraries, recreational facilities, and public transit. On-campus housing is available but not required. Graduate students, undergraduates, and professionals from the United States and abroad are welcome to participate. Summer Language Workshop staff work
with international graduate students to help arrange necessary visa support.
Application & Deadline: The Summer Language Workshop application and program information is available online at http://indiana.edu/~swseel/ Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until May 1, 2017. All courses are contingent upon enrollment.
Tuition & Fees: All participants in the Workshop pay in-state tuition rates. Applicants should refer to the website for further information.