MÁS ALLÁ Reduced Registration Fee

May 24, 2018

MÁS ALLÁ Reduced Registration Fee

MÁS ALLÁ summer camp flyer

Registration for the MÁS ALLÁ summer camp is still open and this summer, CLAS has funding available for high school students who wish to attend! Now, students will be able to attend the camp for the low cost of $25

We'd like to encourage all teachers to approach two or three students and encourage them to apply for MÁS ALLÁ. Last year, most students who joined the camp were individually encouraged by their Spanish teachers to do so. Students who particularly benefitted from MÁS ALLÁ last summer were:  1) students who were succeeding in their Spanish course and wanted to take their Spanish to the next level, and 2) students who were struggling with anxiety in their Spanish course.  

Registration, and more information about the camp, is available online at: https://u.osu.edu/masalla/

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.