Portuguese Courses Available for Autumn 2021

April 14, 2021

Portuguese Courses Available for Autumn 2021

Christ the Redeemer

Below are some Portuguese classes that are being offered this upcoming fall semester (AU21). 


P3401: Advanced Portuguese Grammar

Prof. Lúcia Costigan

Autumn 2021 Semester - Tu/Th 2:20-3:40 PM

Distance Learning

In-depth examination of difficult points of Portuguese grammar; emphasis on comprehension of key grammatical concepts in the language. Not open to native speakers of this language through regular course enrollment or EM credit.
Prereq: Portgse 1103.01 (Portgese 103.01 and 104.01) or 5502 (502), or equiv, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for Portgese 401.

P5501: Portuguese for Spanish Speakers I

Prof. Lúcia Costigan

Autumn 2021 Semester - Tu/Th 9:35-10:55 AM

Distance Learning

Rapid introduction to Portuguese language intended for students with at least high intermediate-level Spanish skills. Undergraduate and Graduate students with high-intermediate to advanced language skills in other Romance Languages may seek instructor permission to enroll.
Prereq or concur: Spanish 3401, 3403, 3404, or 3413, or equiv, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for Portgse 1101.01, 1102.01, 1103.01, or equiv. GE for lang course

P5502: Portuguese for Spanish Speakers II

Prof. Lúcia Costigan

Autumn 2021 Semester - Tu/Th 3:55-5:15 PM

Distance Learning

Continuation of 501; Portuguese language for students with at least intermediate-level Spanish skills.
Prereq: 5501 (501). Not open to students with credit for 1101.01 (101.01), 1102.01 (102.01), 1103.01 (103.01) and 104.01, or equiv.


P5530: Literatures and Cultures in Portuguese: From Modernism to the Present

Prof. Pedro Pereira

Autumn 2021 Semester - Tu/Th 3:55-5:15 PM

Hagerty Hall 071

Overview of literatures and cultures of the Portuguese-speaking world in the early twentieth to the twenty-first centuries.
Prereq: 3450 (Portgese 450) with a C- or better, or Grad standing; or permission of instructor.

If you have any questions, please contact Lúcia Costigan at costigan.2@osu.edu or Pedro Pereira at pereira.37@osu.edu.