Reading of the Popol Wuj: Restoration or Rewriting?

June 1, 2016

Reading of the Popol Wuj: Restoration or Rewriting?

Carlos Lopez standing in front of Popol Wuj painting

Earlier this year visiting professor and researcher Carlos Lopez came to the Ohio State university to give a presentation of the cultural narratives of the Popol Wuj. If you missed Professor Lopez's talk this past march you can check out the video on the CLAS Youtube channel. 


In this talk, Carlos López will explain some of the ideas that gave origin to the elements of the painting from some of the cultural narratives of the Popol Wuj. The exposure of the ideas behind this reading raises the dilemma that faces any text which origin is outside our cultural framework. The alternative is between 'restoration' or 're-writing', or perhaps more boldly, "re-foundation" or "reinventing". The validity of a re-interpretation of those texts that were the subject of "colonization", and that it now seeks to be decolonize, is the foundation of any approach to them. The visual text that is proposed is no exception to this rule.


Carlos M. López is professor and researcher in the Department of Modern Languages at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. He is a leading scholar in the study of the Popol Wuj and the production of texts under conditions of colonization.His main publications include Los Popol Wuj y sus Epistemologías. Las diferencias, el conocimiento y los ciclos del infinito. He is academic director of the online edition of the manuscript of the Popol Wuj in the collaborative project developed by The Ohio State University Libraries and the Newberry Library ( as well as academic director of the website The Popol Wuj and Mayan Culture Archives  ( hosted by the Department of Spanish and Portuguese and the Center for Latin American Studies at The Ohio State University.