Visiting Assistant Professor of International Studies at The College of Charleston

May 13, 2016

Visiting Assistant Professor of International Studies at The College of Charleston


The College of Charleston School of Languages, Cultures and World Affairs (LCWA), invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor of International Studies to begin August 16, 2016. This position is for one academic year with the possibility of renewal for an additional academic year. The International Studies program seeks a candidate whose teaching and research focuses on the role of international institutions and organizations particularly in and related to the economic, social, and cultural development of the Caribbean and/or Africa.  An interest in trade in the development of small states is desirable.  The successful candidate must be able to teach our International Studies introductory course as well as the major’s cross-regional international studies course, and contribute to an area studies concentration in at least one of the above regions. An earned PhD in a related field by August 15, 2016 is preferred; candidates from International Studies, Sociology, Development Studies and Area Studies are specifically encouraged to apply.

Applicants must apply online at the College of Charleston Jobs Webside:

 Submit: a letter of application, a CV, unofficial graduate transcripts, statements of teaching and research interests and philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness (including course syllabi and course evaluations), examples of scholarly research, and contact information for three references.

The College of Charleston is a co-educational liberal arts institution located in the heart of downtown Charleston, SC. The International Studies program began at the College in 2010 and is now the largest major in the School of Languages, Cultures, and World Affairs. The program includes faculty from Economics, Anthropology, Religious Studies, and Political Science and prides itself on multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary courses and research. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

The College of Charleston is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and does not discriminate against any individual or group on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, race, color, religion, national origin, veteran status, genetic information, or disability.

For additional information contact Douglas Friedman, Director of International Studies at