Zemurray-Stone Post-Doctoral Fellow in Latin American Studies

The Zemurray-Stone Post-Doctoral Fellows in Latin American Studies are intended to foster the professional development of gifted scholars and specialists in media to enrich the Stone Center for Latin American Studies’ vigorous research environment, and to foster creative exchange across the Center's research community. Fellows are expected to participate in the full intellectual life of the Center and to contribute to the conceptualization and development of innovative digital media platforms during their residency. Fellows sometimes also offer an advanced interdisciplinary seminar on a subject of their choice during the spring of the fellowship year.
The Stone Center, which includes a core community of 70+ faculty across a broad spectrum of disciplinary and professional fields, invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship for the 2021-2022 academic year. The Stone Center solicits scholars with a strong grounding in research methodologies and interdisciplinary curriculum and program development. In addition to the outlined teaching requirement, the successful candidate will also work jointly with the Stone Center administrative and leadership team on other projects that develop and enhance the Stone Center’s programmatic and curricular goals.
Fellows will be selected following two criteria: (1) intellectual and creative merit and (2) the potential impact that their research, teaching, and experience would have on the strategic advancement of Latin American Studies at Tulane. During their residency, the Zemurray-Stone Fellow might help us explore new concepts for interviews, conversations, debates, forums, presentations, and documentation, both in sound and moving images, to represent in new and expressive ways the work of our faculty and students.
Fellowships are one-year, residential, full-time appointments with a stipend of $48,450 plus benefits. Travel and moving expenses are not supported. Applicants who are ABD must complete their Ph.D. by May 2021. Preference will be given to those who have not had recent access to Tulane University’s resources and whose research would benefit from such access.
Application must be submitted via Interfolio by visiting apply.interfolio.com/82861 and must include (1) a curriculum vitae; (2) a cover letter describing research interests, teaching and administrative experience, and your particular capacity to contribute to the Center’s interdisciplinary mission; (3) a graduate transcript; (4) two recommendation letters; (5) a writing sample or media essay; (6) a detailed proposal for at least one content course or seminar; and (7) teaching evaluations, if available.
For additional information on the Stone Center and its programs, please visit: http://stonecenter.tulane.edu.
For more information on the Post-Doctoral Fellowship program, please contact James D. Huck, Jr., Assistant Director and Graduate Advisor, Stone Center for Latin American Studies at 504-865-5164 or jhuck@tulane.edu.
The application deadline is March 15, 2021.