Patricia Enciso

Patricia Enciso

Patricia Enciso

Professor | Department of Teaching and Learning | College of Education and Human Ecology

(614) 688-4288

244 Arps Hall
1945 N. High Street,
Columbus, OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Reading/Learning Cross-Culturally with Young Adolescents
  • Reading/Learning Cross-Culturally with Young Adolescents
  • Sociocultural and Critical Research, Theory, and Practice
  • Middle Grades (4-8th) Literacy Education
  • Multicultural Literature in Education
  • Development of Literary Understanding


  • Ph.D., The Ohio State University (1990)
  • M.A., University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (1984)
  • B.S., The Ohio State University (1979)

Patricia Enciso is a Professor of Teaching and Learning. Her recent publications include “The Big Glamorous Monster (or Lady Gaga’s Adventures at Sea): Improving Student Writing through Dramatic Approaches”, Journal of Literacy Research, (2017); “Decentering Whiteness and Monolingualism in the Reception of Latinx YA Literature”, Revista Bilingüe  (2017, in press); “‘I’m tryin to save some lives here': Critical dramatic pedagogy in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina”,  In K. Jocson & R. Simon, Special Issue: Youth Critical Literacy and Social Justice. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, (2016); “Borders, Home, Spirituality, and Language: Sociopolitical Themes in Latino/a Children’s Literature 1990-2015”, In L. Henderson (Ed.) The Américas Award Honoring Latino/a Children’s and Young Adult Literature of the Américas. (Lexington Books, 2015).

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