Herbert Ockerman

Herbert Ockerman

Herbert Ockerman

Emeritus Professor | Department of Animal Sciences | College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


(614) 292-4317

230A Plumb Hall
2027 Coffey Rd.,
Columbus, OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Meat and Food Science
  • International Cooperate Research and Education


  • (1988) Ph.D., University of Calcutta, India
  • (1962) M.S., University of Kentucky
  • (1954) B.S., University of Kentucky

Herbert Ockerman has been at OSU for 55 years and has specialized in meat science and international education so he has trained many international students and post-doctoral researchers in food science.  His publications include a chapter in the Manual on Animal By-Products titled "Processing of Natural Cases," published in India (1996).  Dr. Ockerman serves an editor of Animal Sciences for UNESCO.

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