Abya Yala Student Organization Presents New Series

March 19, 2021

Abya Yala Student Organization Presents New Series

Abya Yala

The Abya Yala Student Organization has announced that they will be hosting two new series in the upcoming months of 2021. The first is Conversations on a Changing Planet and Latin America, a talk series covering a variety of topics from borders to climate change to feminism, etc. The second is their new and improved podcast, Améfrica LandinaBoth series will be FREE and open to the public!

About the Conversations

Inclusive Language Across Latin America

The cycle of Conversations on a Changing Planet covers a series of topics for reflection and discussion that intends to reclaim our role as individuals and collective inhabitants of the continent of Abya Yala. From the impacts of a human induced climate change, to the violent dispossession of land suffered by indigenous and peasant communities, or the aggressive incorporation of the colonial food systems in our lives, too many groups of people are being imposed a struggle to survive in this changing planet. As a response, those who survive, are changing. They change their lives by moving, migrating, seeking for opportunities and escaping violence. Others stay and change the world they live in, sometimes by fighting racism and sexism, and protecting their lands, even at the cost of their own lives. Along human history, we know that change is the only stable thing, and as the song goes, “Así como todo cambia, que yo cambie no es extraño” (Like everything changes, it is no strange that I change as well).

About the Podcast

Amefrica Landina

The podcast Améfrica Landina is one of the projects we are developing as a way of creating a space for dialogue and involvement, where we can reflect about many different and very relevant topics today. It was originally created by four graduate students from the Department of Spanish and Portuguese as a bilingual podcast, in Spanish and Portuguese, with the goal of sharing with a broad audience the ideas and readings of the realities of Latin America produced by their academic work. It has broadcasted six episodes with very good feedback and engagement in the different broadcasting platforms and social media. The Abya Yala Student Organization has just welcomed the project as its own, to give it a more stable institutional background and to open it as a resource for all interested in broadcasting ideas and conversations regarding the American Continent.

About Abya Yala

The Abya Yala Student Organization was born with the aim of creating an inspiring and productive interdisciplinary environment for inquiry, dialogue and scholarship regarding to the Continent of Abya Yala within the Ohio State University. We have been creating spaces that allow our community in and outside the University to think together about the realities of the peoples that first inhabited these lands and that of the peoples that live across the American Continent today. Our main goal is to create a cultural space where we share and expand our knowledges and, at doing so, developing a sense of community and common purpose.