
Engineering courses announced for Spring 2021!
Virtual Guatemala Service-Learning – ENGR 5797.22S
Info Sessions:
Tuesday, October 13, 5 - 6 p.m
Monday, October 19, 6 - 7 p.m.
Overview: This program is designed…

2021 Boren Awards Application is Open!
All Boren Awards-funded programs must include language study as a core element for the duration of the grant. Applicants are encouraged to select or design programs that will provide an immersive…

Featured FLAS Fellow: Gabriella Reyes
Gabriella Reyes is a 2020-2021 FLAS fellow studying Portuguese.
"The catalyst to my study of Portuguese started with a mission’s trip to Florianópolis, Brazil in 2018…

Spring 2021 Portuguese Course Offerings
The Department of Spanish & Portuguese has announced their Spring 2021 Portuguese course offerings. See the PDF flyer below for a look at what they are offering next semester!
For more…

“Memoria y salud andino amazónica" Bitácora
As part of the strategic activities co-organized by The Center for Latin American Studies, The Abya Yala Student Organization at Ohio State University, and the Foro Permanente de Estudios,…

Area Studies Centers’ Diversity Speaker Series
Ohio State is taking a fresh look at the Black Lives Matter movement and how it relates to every facet of knowledge we engage in across all disciplines and from multiple cultural perspectives. The…

Featured FLAS Fellow: Nadia El-Yousseph
Nadia El-Yousseph is a 2020-2021 FLAS fellow studying Portuguese.
"I’m learning Portuguese to help increase my language and cultural competency to enable me to assess speech and…

Featured FLAS Fellow: Gabriel Zeballos
Gabriel Zeballos is a 2020-2021 FLAS fellow studying Quechua.
"I am learning Quechua in order to be able to communicate with the native people that live in the Andes of South…

Featured FLAS Fellow: Taisse Torres-Lorenzo
Taisse Torres-Lorenzo is a 2020-2021 FLAS fellow studying Portuguese
"One of the reasons I’m taking Portuguese is because I think it’s an interesting language and since I already speak…