
Area Studies Centers Statement
Dear students, colleagues and friends,
As leaders of the Area Studies Centers at The Ohio State University, we are horrified by the violence and turmoil we see unfolding around us. We…

CLAS announces new issue in journal: Textos Híbridos
CLAS is excited to announce that a new issue of Textos Híbridos: Revista de Estudios sobre Crónica y Periodismo Narrativo has just been published and is available at the Textos Híbridos…

In Memoriam: Carlos M. López (1950-2020)
In April of 2020, after a long fight of almost twenty years against cancer, our colleague and friend, Carlos López, descended to Xibalbá, the underworld of the dead.
Carlos will surely be…

OIA Area Studies Centers Award Second Annual Conference Grant to Political Science Faculty
Professors Inés Valdez and Benjamin McKean of the Department of Political Science have been selected as the recipients of a 2019-20 Office of International Affairs (OIA) Area Studies Centers…

The Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Art and Cultural Artifact Collection website is now LIVE!
The Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Art and Cultural Artifact Collection contains material cultural items that support a growing curriculum and innovative programming on the Andes and Amazonia…

Glenn Martinez wins seed grant dedicated to COVID-19 research
Glenn Martinez, CLAS faculty affiliate and Director of the Center for Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, has received a seed grant from OSU’s Office of Research dedicated to COVID-19-related…

Kichwa Webinars Organized by SPPO Graduate Student, Santiago Gualapuro Gualapuro, to be Held Throughout May 2020
SPPO Graduate student Santiago Gualapuro Gualapuro has organized a series of webinars in Kichwa to be hosted by a variety of Kichwa experts during May 2020. Each webinar will address an…

Tania Espinales Correa receives College of Arts & Sciences Graduate Student Award for Teaching Excellence
Please join us in congratulating Tania Espinales Correa for receiving the College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Award for Teaching Excellence. Each year, the award recognizes two…

The History of Latin America Through Film (HIST 2125)
Looking for a Diversity or Historical study GE?
HIST 2125, the History of Latin America Through Film (online), explores the history of Latin America as represented through the media of film…