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The Ohio State University Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) and the Federal University of Paraná Teachers across Borders (TaB-UFPR) recently…

Each semester the exceptional work and research that student curators undertake with the Kawsay Ukhunchay: Andean & Amazonian Indigenous Art & Cultural Artifacts Research…

CLAS Affiliate Faculty and Professor in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Dr. Valente Alvarez was invited to participate in the XXII Congresso Nacional de Estudiantes de…

Congratulations to Alberto Vega Rivera, who is the recipient of the Lápiz de Acero 2023 design award in the video game category. The winning project called, Oí Marimbí,…

The International and Foreign Language Education office of the U.S. Department of Education is excited to announce the launch of the FY 2024 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad (SA) program competition…

On Saturday, October 28, the Center for Latin American Studies hosted a Capoeira workshop and a Capoeira road (circle) with Mestre Lobinho, a Capoeira master with over 25 years of experience in…

Congratulations to our winners in the Brutus Calavera coloring contest: Cooper M., Eda H., Juliana R., Brady B., Emily O., Jaxson R., Lucy P., Anika L., Carley P., and Janea M.!!!

CLAS Director, Professor Scott Schwenter, and CLAS Outreach Coordinator, Julio Beltrán, visited Central Crossing High School.

Professor Schwenter and Julio talked about Latin American…

James Logan is an Academic Year 2023-2024 undergraduate FLAS fellow studying Portuguese. James is pursuing a major in Political Science and two minors, one in Mathematics, and one in Portuguese.…