


Human Biology of the Amazon: Special Issue

Dr. Barbara Piperata is the co-editor of the most recent special issue of Annals of Human Biology entitled “Human Biology of the Amazon” (Volume 43, issue 4). The issue highlights the most recent…

Council on Hemispheric Affairs Internships

The Council on Hemisheric Affairs (COHA) is looking for interns for their Fall 2016 term. The COHA is searching for passionate student interest in North and South American relations.


Hola! From the 2016 Summer Seminars Abroad for Spanish Teachers

CLAS Director Terrell Morgan and the 2016 Summer Seminars Abroad for Spanish Teacher (SSAST) wish everyone at OSU Buenos Dias From Barranquilla,…

Federal Government Virtual internship opportunity for Portugese learners

Given the international importance of Portuguese, there is a robust interest in American students with Portuguese linguistic or Lusophone cultural competences. The Department of State, would like…


Fulbright Scholar Program Opportunities in Suriname and El Salvador

The Fulbright Scholars Program is now accepting applicaitons to two Latin American countries: Suriname and El Salvador



Fulbright Scholars are selected for their…

Globalized Fruit, Local Entrepreneurs Book Cover by Doug Southgate

Globalized Fruit, Local Entrepreneurs By Doug Southgate and Lois Roberts.

The Center for Latin American Studies is happy to present Globalized Fruit, Local Entrepreneurs: How One Banana-Exporting Country Achieved Worldwide Reach by The Ohio State University's…


Program Coordinator at the LACS Institute at the University of Georgia

The Latin American and Caribbean Studies Institute at the University of Georgia has a job opening for a Program Coordinator III position to work with our Portuguese Flagship Program and National…


Summer Greetings

On the first day of summer, the Center for Latin American Studies would like to wish everyone a happy summer break. Please stay tuned for a mid-summer Center update coming soon!


Associate Director for the Center of Latin American and Caribbean Studies at University of Illinois

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks an Associate Director (AD) to provide oversight and administration of the…