

Carlos Lopez standing in front of Popol Wuj painting

Reading of the Popol Wuj: Restoration or Rewriting?

Earlier this year visiting professor and researcher Carlos Lopez came to the Ohio State university to give a presentation of the cultural narratives of the Popol Wuj. If you missed Professor…


Performance and Culture in Cuba Program

The deadline to apply for the Autumn Semester / December 2016 education abroad program in Cuba is May 30th. The program is open to undergraduates who are junior rank or higher and…

Buckeye Leaf

Haitian Creole and Quechua Fall 2016

This upcoming fall semester the Ohio State University will be offering Haitian Creole and Quechua.

Intro to Haitain Creole will be offered Tuesday and Thurday 2:40pm - 4:00pm, listed…


Visiting Assistant Professor of International Studies at The College of Charleston

The College of Charleston School of Languages, Cultures and World Affairs (LCWA), invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor of International Studies to begin August 16, 2016. This…


Assistant Director for the Center for Inter-American Policy & Research at Tulane University

Job Title: Assistant Director - Ctr. for Inter-American Policy & Research

Location:Tulane University, New Orleans, LA

Applications accepted until May 15th, 2016

Apply at the…


Assistant Director for Administration of the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida

The Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida is conducting a search for an Assistant Director for Administration. Primary responsibilities are to execute the programmatic…


GCSCI Marathon Exchange

The deadline to apply for the GCSCI Marathon Excahnge is aproaching. With the help of Greater Columbus Sister Cities International, we will be sending participants to our continuted…

indigenous women by fire

New Fall Course Announcement

ANTHROPOLOGY 5701: Health and Healing in Latin America

Dr. Barbara Piperata in the Department of Anthropology has developed a new course with broad appeal to graduate and advanced…


CLAS Work-Study Student Job Opportunity Available

The Center for Latin American Studies is looking for a part-time work-study student to assist with Center projects and administrative duties. These responsibilities may include: operating the front…