

Buckeye leaves

FLAS 2021-2022 Competition is now live!

The Center for Latin American Studies is now accepting applications for its Summer 2021 and Academic Year 2021-2022 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Competitions. The…

Clara Hach

Featured FLAS Fellow: Clara Hach

Clara Hach is a 2020-2021 FLAS fellow studying Portuguese.

"I am taking Portuguese because I am interested in Latin American studies and I want to broaden my international knowledge…

NCCLA logo

Call for Papers: 53rd Annual NCCLA Conference

The North Central Council of Latin Americanists (NCCLA), with the College of St. Benedict & St. John's University, is hosting the 53rd Annual NCCLA Conference entitled, Racism,…

University of Kansas logo

29th Annual Waggoner Research Colloquium

This fall semester marks the 29th year of The Waggoner Research Colloquium, inaugurated in 1992 by former Director of Latin American Studies, Dr. Elizabeth Kuznesof. Every…

Sophie Lenhart

Featured FLAS Fellow: Sophia Lenhart

Sophia Lenhart is a 2020-2021 FLAS fellow studying Portuguese.

"I was an exchange student in Brazil in high school, and I fell in love with both the culture and the language. I also went…

Quechua and Andean/Amazonian Studies at OSU

Quechua and Andean/Amazonian Studies at OSU

Justin Bland, Quechua Ambassador at The Ohio State University, has created a slideshow video describing the different opportunities here at OSU to study the Quechua language and Andean/Amazonian…

Program logo

Apply Now to the FY 2021 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program!

The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad Program (SA) provides U.S. educators in the social sciences and humanities with opportunities to participate in short-term seminars…

Sarah Wade

Featured FLAS Fellow: Sarah Wade

Sarah Wade is a 2020-2021 FLAS fellow studying Quechua.

"Immersing myself in the Quechua program at Ohio State has been an incredible experience. As a Spanish major and Andean and…

Rachel Thompson

Higher Education in Brazil- Rachel Thompson

Rachel Thompson participated in the Higher Education in Brazil study abroad program organized by Ohio State’s College of Education and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion that was in Salvador,…