

159 results found


Assistant Professor of Hispanic Linguistics
260 Hagerty Hall
Assistant Professor | Department of Teaching and Learning| College of Education and Human Ecology
Professor | Department of Food Science and Technology | College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
329 Parker Food Science and Technology Building
Associate Professor | Department of Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences
4030 Smith Laboratory
Professor | Department of Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences
4034 Smith Laboratory
Professor | Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology | College of Arts and Sciences
1380 Museum of Biological Diversity
Distinguished Professor | Department of Political Science | College of Arts and Sciences; Interim Chair
2049D Derby Hall
Lawrence "Larry" Herman Professor in Law | Moritz College of Law
Professor Emeritus | Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics | College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
Distinguished Professor | School of Environment and Natural Resources | College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
422B Kottman Hall,
Distinguished Professor | Department of Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences
053 Journalism Building
Professor | Department of History of Art | College of Arts and Sciences
286 University Hall
Assistant Professor of Practice | Knowlton School
296 Knowlton Hall
Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor of Physics
Physics Research Building, 2146 1040 Physics Research Building
Associated Faculty | Department of Spanish and Portuguese | College of Arts and Sciences
288 Hagerty Hall
Assistant Professor, Provost's Early Career Scholar | Department of Plant Pathology | College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Kottman Hall
Professor, Distinguished University Scholar| School of Earth Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences
267 Mendenhall Laboratory
Professor | Department of Geography | College of Arts and Sciences
182 LeFevre Hall
Professor | Department of Management & Human Resources | Fisher College of Business
724 Fisher Hall.
Professor | Department of Geography | College of Arts and Sciences
1136 Derby Hall
Professor | Department of Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering | College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
230C Agricultural Engineering
Associate Professor | Department of Comparative Studies; Director of Graduate Studies | College of Arts and Sciences
432 Hagerty Hall
Professor | Department of Spanish and Portuguese | College of Arts and Sciences
232 Hagerty Hall
Professor Emeritus | Department of Spanish and Portuguese | College of Arts and Sciences
250 Hagerty Hall