

Cadine Navarro - It Sounds Like Love

CLAS Supports Artist Residency

With CLAS support, Cadine Navarro has served throughout the spring semester as a land-based artist-in-residence for several Central Ohio colleges, including Ohio State, Otterbein, Denison,…


CLAS co-sponsors 2022 Ohio Latin Americanist Conference

On February 25-26, 2022, OSU's Center for Latin American Studies partnered with Ohio University's Department of Modern Languages and Latin American Studies program to host the 18th Annual Ohio…

Student Curators

Congratulations To Our Autumn 2021 Whitten Scholarship Awardees!

Each semester the exceptional work and research that student curators undertake with the newly renamed Kawsay Ukhunchay: Andean and Amazonian Indigenous Art and Cultural Artifacts Collection…

Prof Matt Hollander

Hollander publishes OER textbook on racial and ethnic diversity with CLAS support

Professor Matthew M. Hollander of Marion Technical College has published an Open Educational Resource textbook on racial and ethnic diversity, with support from a CLAS Community…

Katriese DeLeon

Featured FLAS Fellow: Katriese DeLeon

Katriese DeLeon is a 2021-2022 undergraduate FLAS fellow studying Portuguese.

"My interest in Portuguese began in 2016 when I was an exchange student in Tabasco, Mexico. …

Casey Wood

Featured FLAS Fellow: Casey Wood

Casey Wood is a 2021-2022 undergraduate FLAS fellow studying Portuguese.

"My grandmother was a Spanish professor and instilled a love for languages in me very early on in my life. …

AAAC Open House

Andean & Amazonian Indigenous Art & Cultural Artifacts Open House

"This art is Indigenous knowledge, power, and self-determination. It is the way by which people choose to represent their communities, identities, and more."
- Dr. Michelle Wibbelsman, Faculty…

Tara Hazel

Featured FLAS Fellow: Tara Hazel

Tara Hazel is a 2021-2022 graduate FLAS fellow studying Portuguese.

"As a student of Hispanic Linguistics, I began to study Portuguese at the undergraduate level because of its close…

Deb Waughtal

Featured FLAS Fellow: Deborah Waughtal

Deborah Waughtal is a 2021-2022 graduate FLAS fellow studying Quechua.

"This fall, I’m beginning my third year of coursework in the Hispanic Linguistics PhD program as a FLAS Fellow, and…